The Zoomerang is a medium-sized dragon that appears in Dragons: Rescue Riders.
Quick Answers
What is the physical appearance of a Zoomerang dragon?
What are the differences between male and female Zoomerangs?
What are the unique features of a Zoomerang's wings?
How does the tail of a Zoomerang dragon look like?
What are the color variations in Zoomerang dragons?
Physical Appearance[]
Hatchling to Adult[]
Zoomerangs are very slender bodied, with cheetah like body figures. Long tails with three tail fins near the tip of the tail, two large fins on top and a one small under them. Jet-like wings when the tips of the wings are bent. And serpent like necks.
The Females have navy blue scales with pink streaks along with having fins on the side of their heads and the males have black scales with orange or yellow streaks with horn-like nubs on the nostrils.
Speed and Agility[]
Zoomerangs are capable of extremely fast flight able to outfly many other dragons in the air. They also appear to be very agile, being able to make quick turns and barrel rolls effortlessly in the air.
Foldable wing tips[]
Zoomerangs possess foldable wing tips that when’s folded up allow them to achieve perfect aerodynamic flight granting a significant increase in acceleration to their already impressive flight speed and maneuverability.
This section requires expansion. |
Behavior and Personality[]
Zoomerangs tend to form social groups, with a leader tending to be the fastest dragon of the group or a female. However, more loose hierarchy arrangement is possible. Due to their high flight speed capabilities, Zoomerangs may tend toward over-confidence and placing a heavy emphasis of individual worth on speed abilities.
Dragons: Rescue Riders[]
Season 4[]
Main article: Blazo |
Main article: Dart (Rescue Riders) |
Main article: Streak |
- Zoomerang is a portmanteau of "zoom" and "boomerang"