How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
Books Franchise

Wild Dragon Cliff is a location to search with Toothless in the game, Dragons: Rise of Berk, and is based on the same named location from the books. It first appeared in the Franchise, though, in the game Wild Skies.

Official Description[]

Wild Dragon Cliff is an important spot on any new trainer's map. This is the first place where young dragons learn to fly, and young Vikings learn to ride.
  Dragons: Rise of Berk  


Wild Dragon Cliff features numerous steep cliff faces and vertical columns covered with greenery sitting on a lake. Water is channelled via a series of shallow waterfalls into the lake. It also has several jade green totem statues on in front of a little dark opening which leads to a well-lit cove.



DreamWorks Dragons: Wild Skies[]

Players can tame the Typhoomerang at Wild Dragon Cliff in this game and harvest Fire Weed and Scented Flowers.

Dragons: Rise of Berk[]



Wild Dragon Cliff (Franchise) uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Rise of Berk Wiki page Wild Dragon Cliff. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). ROBWiki Logo

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