How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Would you look at that smile! [src]

Wild Boltstampers are a group of Brooding Boltstampers appearing in the gameDragons: Titan Uprising.

Official Description[]

This immense dragon — and immensely powerful — has inherited the Rumblehorn's incredible vitality and, thankfully, only a portion of the Skrill's untamable ire. Although it can be quick to anger, this variety of Boltstamper is good-natured at its core, making it the easiest to train of the Boltstamper breed.
Thanks to their more even-keeled Rumblehorn stock, Wild Boltstampers show just how good Skrills could be as training partners, if they could only temper their anger. They possess all of their electrical ancestors' cleverness, resilience, and power — but none of the bloodlust.
  Dragons: Titan Uprising  

Physical Appearance[]

Wild Boltstampers appear to be golden with orange and red shades all over their bodies. They have light brown spikes and claws. Their eyes are yellow.

In-game Statistics[]




Wild Boltstamper uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dragons Titan Uprising Wiki page Wild Boltstamper. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). Wiki-Wordmark-TU

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