How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

This is exciting! An egg this size and color could be lots of different species. A Whooping Whifflewing, Gigantic Grumplumper, even a Roaming Ramblefang. [src]

The Whooping Whifflewing is a large dragon that is first mentioned in Dragons: Rescue Riders.

Physical Appearance[]


The eggs of Whooping Whifflewings are large, and presumably similar looking to the Roaming Ramblefang eggs - ovoid and can be a purple color. The egg's height is roughly that of a half-grown human.

Hatchling to Adult[]

A Whooping Whifflewing is not seen, but is presumably a very large dragon in adulthood. With such a large egg size, hatchlings are presumably just large enough for a small human to sit on.


Dragons: Rescue Riders[]

Season 2[]

Leyla briefly mentions the Whooping Whifflewing while trying to identify a dragon egg in "Double Finked".


  • Based on the name, the Whooping Whifflewing may be a very vocal dragon, producing 'whooping' sounds, such as a whooping crane. Their wings may also produce a whistling sound, such as a whiffle ball.

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