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Valentines is an annual holiday which is celebrated on the Isle of Berk.

Official Description[]

Ever since Hiccup witnessed Toothless etching drawings of the Light Fury in the sand in order to win her love, a new tradition has been starting in Berk: the giving of 'Valentines'. Youths in the village cut geometric sigils out of paper, and adorn them with funny slogans of the Night and Light Fury courting each other. They then leave these cards secretly in the houses of their crushes, in the hopes that these talismans will cause the objects of their affection to turn their attention to them and them alone. ... Young lovers who see her have their hearts filled with hope, and lovers who have already gotten together gather on hillsides to watch her. They have no idea what this tradition will become in years to come, but don't mind. The presence of the Valentine Light Fury is enough to fill their hearts with warmth.
  Dragons: Titan Uprising  



Dragons: Rise of Berk[]

Every year around the real life Valentine's Day, Rise of Berk releases thematic dragons, such as the Sweet Wraith, and costumes, such as the Cupid Meatlug and the Floral Crown Hookfang.

Dragons: Titan Uprising[]

After witnessing Toothless etching drawings of the Light Fury in the sand in order to win her love, Hiccup reported the situation back to his fellow Berkians, who adopted their own form of the practice, starting the tradition of Valentines.


Leaving of Cards[]

During Valentines, Berkian youths cut paper geometric sigils and adorn them with funny slogans of Toothless and the Light Fury courting each other. The youths then secretly leave these cards in the homes of their crushes, hoping that these talismans will cause the objects of their affection to turn their attention to them and them alone.

Dragon Painting[]

During Valentines, the Light Fury paints herself with ochre patterns resembling the geometric sigils on the Berkian Valentines cards.

Dragon Costumes[]

During Valentines, certain dragons are dressed up in costumes to celebrate the holiday, such as Cupid Meatlug and Floral Crown Hookfang.

Seeing the Light Fury[]

During Valentines, lovers gather to watch the Light Fury as she flies through the sky over the village. Young lovers who see her have their hearts full of hope and lovers who have already gotten together gather on hillsides to watch her.



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