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How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Odin's beard... some of us SLEEP here, you great brutes! [src]

Valdwail is a male Hoarsbrumble appearing in the gameDragons: Titan Uprising.

Official Description[]

Valdwail: destroyer of eardrums. Much to the irritation of most of Berk, Valdwail challenges Thunderdrums, Hoarsbrumbles, any and all loudmouth takers on the isle, to shout-offs. Snotlout and the twins, meanwhile, take bets on the boisterous verbal battles. The commotion frequently knocks over houses, stables, and Vikings — but these are already relatively regular occurrences on the busy Island of Berk. When out of Berk, exploring the Archipelago (much to the relief of Berk's population), Valdwail is a powerful ally to have around. Say what you will about his behavior on Berk, he's a powerhouse in the sky.
  Dragons: Titan Uprising  

Physical Appearance[]

Valdwail's scales are the color of aquamarineish grey stones, with faint emerald highlights. He has barbells on his chin and his eyes are yellow.

In-game Statistics[]




Valdwail uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dragons Titan Uprising Wiki page Valdwail. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). Wiki-Wordmark-TU

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