This page covers the islands and other locations that appear but have not been named in the Dragons: Rescue Riders series.
In "Crash Course"[]
Burple crash-landed on this island and broke his right wing. A pack of wolves surrounded him, but they were chased off by Winger and Dak. Dak tied Burple to Winger with an improvised rope and they took off.
The island has two rocky hills and small beach. The vegetation is composed of evergreen trees and vines, and the fauna is represented by wolves.
Island One in "Grumblegard, Part 1"[]
While Dak, Winger, Aggro, and Burple were looking for Crimson Pine, they flew over the island without landing.
The island is mountainous, with beaches surrounding it from all sides. It has visible tree vegetation and possible moss.
Island Two in "Grumblegard, Part 1"[]
While Dak, Winger, Aggro, and Burple were looking for Crimson Pine, they flew over the island without landing.
The island is mountainous. It has visible tree vegetation and possible moss. Is is surrounded by several Sea Stacks.
Island Three in "Grumblegard, Part 1"[]
While Dak, Winger, Aggro, and Burple were looking for Crimson Pine, they flew over the island without landing.
The island is semi-circular with cliffs and forests alike. It has a long beach on one side. Its vegetation consists of trees, bushes and possibly moss.
Island One in "Summer Holiday"[]
Summer had visited this island when she was younger, and suggested travelling to it during the Rescue Riders' vacation. However, they ended up on a different island, which Summer noticed in the end. The Rescue Riders spent the rest of the holiday on this island, after which they returned to Huttsgalor.
The island is composed mostly of beaches and forests, with a large cliff in the middle of the island. The flora is represented by apple trees, while the only fauna seen is various groups of butterflies. Summer mentioned that the island also has large deposites of tanzinite.
Island Two in "Summer Holiday"[]
The Rescue Riders travelled to this island during their vacation. They constantly had to face threats, such as eels or wolves, while also having to protect Finngard. They then left the island because of its numerous dangers.
The island is mostly made of forests and mountainous areas. It has several beaches surrounding it, full of large boulders. The island has a small cave above the earth's surface.
In "Belly Flop"[]
Gludge stopped on the beach of this island so that he could rest and digest his food. The Rescue Riders visited this island while searching for their friend, Elbone, only to discover that he was inadvertently swallowed by the Sea Gronckle. They made several attempts to get him out, one of which ended with Summer being swallowed as well, but they eventually saved both of their friends.
The island is small in comparison with Huttsgalor, and mostly consists of forested areas. It has shallow beaches and numerous sea stacks surrounding it.
Island One in Dragons: Rescue Riders: Hunt for the Golden Dragon[]
The Rescue Riders traveled to this island while searching for the Golden Dragon. They searched the caves on the island, and managed to find a hole in one of the walls, which pointed the direction where the Golden Dragon was located.
The island is mountainous, with a complex cave system. There are four main caves on the island. Number 1 has a Golden entrance and is full of Tangle Vines, Number 2 has flowers at it's entrance, and contains many geysers, and Number 3 is inhabited by a colony of beetles. The fourth cave was never explored, it is White on one side. The island is abundant in vegetation and has at least two lakes.
Island Two in Dragons: Rescue Riders: Hunt for the Golden Dragon[]
The Rescue Riders traveled to this island while searching for the Golden Dragon. They searched the caves on the island, and managed to find Gemma's nest. They were present during her offspring's hatching.
The island is mainly composed of forests and large plains, with a single mountainous structure in the middle of the island. The mountain has a opening at the top, large enough for dragons to fly through.
In Dragons: Rescue Riders: Secrets of the Songwing[]
Aggro was looking for fish in the ocean. Suddenly, Laburn and Cinda invited Aggro to come to the island and Aggro followed them. Soon, the Rescue Riders waited for hours for Aggro to come back but she didn't. Dak and Leyla decided search for Aggro everywhere. Burple saw her at Melodia's Island and she invited the Rescue Riders to come to this island because she wanted them to meet the songstress.
On Melodia's Island, there is a Dragon Pepper flower which some dragons are very sensitive to.
In "Crystal Clear"[]
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In "How I Met Your Summer"[]
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In "Rescue Racers"[]
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In "Where's Waldondo"[]
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Island One in "The Greatest Showdragons"[]
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Island Two in "The Greatest Showdragons"[]
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Island Three in "The Greatest Showdragons"[]
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Island Four in "The Greatest Showdragons"[]
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Island One in "And You Are?"[]
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Island Two in "And You Are?"[]
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Island Three in "And You Are?"[]
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