Typhoon is a Rocket Ripper and Camicazi's riding dragon in The Incomplete Book of Dragons.
Camicazi rode Typhoon in the Young-Warrior-in-Training-Dash-Down-the-Slalom-of-Death race that was part of the Inter-Tribe Summer-tide Friendly Bury the Hatchet Games.
The Incomplete Book of Dragons[]
This reference book does not describe Typhoon, but there is information about the type of dragon that he belongs to, the Rocket Ripper.
Physical Appearance[]
Typhoon is a dark blue dragon. He has an elongated head with long teeth sticking out from under the upper jaw, a thin body and neck, and a long tail with an arrow on the end. Typhoon has two big wings. It is not known how many limbs he has or if he even has them.