How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Not Astrid! Not Astrid! So not Astrid! [src]
  — Snotlout  

Trap-phoomerang is a Typhoomerang who first appeared in "Night of the Hunters, Part 1".

Official Description[]

When Astrid doesn't make it back to Dragon's Edge, the gang sets out to find her. Unfortunately, Snotlout finds this Typhoomerang, who is definitely NOT ASTRID!
  Dragons: Rise of Berk  


Found by Snotlout[]

While searching for Astrid, Snotlout sees light in a cave and thinks he found her. However, when he enters it, he actually finds an angry Typhoomerang that chases him out.

Physical Appearance[]

Trap-phoomerang appears very similar to a normal Typhoomerang. It is teal in color with some black spirals on its wings. It has a tan underbelly and two teal horns on the back of its head and one teal horn on its snout. It also has a teal wing claw on each of its wings.




Trap-phoomerang uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Rise of Berk Wiki page Trap-phoomerang. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). ROBWiki Logo

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