How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Usually, we hide ‘till the Chief finds us. Then we get in trouble. [src]

Tormentor Deathburples are a group of Deathburples that appear in the game Dragons: Titan Uprising.

Official Description[]

Tormentor Deathburples misuse their intelligence.

Out of all the Dragons on Berk, these rascals are best known for the practical jokes they play on less intelligent Dragons. An unsuspecting victim might discover a trail of fish leading up a winding mountain path, and following it, find themselves suddenly pushed into the sea by falling logs.

Another might return to its nest in the Breedery only to find its eggs have been painted to look like stones.

While most of these pranks are little more than harmless gags, on occasion a Tormentor Deathburple will go too far and actually cause harm to someone. When this happens, the Tormentor is quick to console it’s hapless quarry.

They’re really just bored easily, and not deliberately malicious. Unless, of course, you harm someone they care about. Then, the Tormentor Deathburple will turn everything it knows towards the end of entrapping and eliminating the threat to its loved ones.
  Dragons: Titan Uprising  

Physical Appearance[]

Tormentor Deathburples are dirty red, with brown shades on their tails. They have dirty yellow spikes, horns, and claws. Their eyes are bright yellow.

In-game Statistics[]



Tormentor Deathburple uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dragons Titan Uprising Wiki page Tormentor Deathburple. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). Wiki-Wordmark-TU

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