How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Tom is a male turkey appearing in the game School of Dragons.


Getting Lost during Snoggletog[]

Tom resided in an enclosure on Zippleback Island, along with Ted and Terry. The three turkeys escaped after Snotlout Jorgenson forgot to lock them, and got lost around the island. Snotlout later asked the player to find them and commented on their weird names.

Tom (or another turkey with the same name) got lost again after escaping from his enclosure on Impossible Island. Snotlout asked the player again to find him.

Physical Appearance[]

Tom is a typical turkey with brown and black feathers, and a few white one on his wings and a red wattle.





Tom (School of Dragons) uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki page Wrangler!. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). SODWikiLogo

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