Together From Afar is a song by the Icelandic singer Jónsi. It is played in the credit sequence of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.
You and I - we've been through it all
Is it time to say goodbye, dry your eye
We have been together so long
Is it time to let go, apart we grow
Soon we will know
You are the reason to go on living
I need to try things and be on my own
We'll always be friends, we'll keep our distance
We'll be together from afar forever
Listen, listen, now within, ooo-ooo
We have been, we've been everywhere
To the stars and back again, yes my friend
We have seen, we've seen everything
But will I ever see you again, my old friend
Friends 'til the end
You are the reason to go on living
I need to try things and be on my own
We'll always be friends, we'll keep our distance
We'll be together from afar forever
Listen, listen, now within, ooo-ooo
You and I, we'll say all of our goodbyes
When will I see you again?
You and I, we'll say all of our goodbyes
When will I see you again?
You and I, we'll say all of our goodbyes
When will I see you again?
You and I, we'll say all of our goodbyes
When will I see you again?
Together From Afar is also available in other languages. Do visit these pages if you prefer reading content from the respective languages: • Polski |