How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

The Thunderer dragon was mentioned both in How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse as a Riding Dragon, as well as toward the end of How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel, as a member of Furious' Dragon Army. It is not clear if this is a different, distinct species, or the author meant to refer to a Thor's Thunderer, or even another Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus. "Thunderer" does not seem to be a proper name for an individual, as it is prefaced with "the".

Physical Appearance[]

Not much information is given about this Thunderer, other than it is presumably quite large, a type of Sea Dragon, and can speak Dragonese, when read about in How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel.

However in How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse, a much smaller size is implied, as it is mentioned being used as a Riding Dragon.


How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse[]

A Thunderer is mentioned as the Riding Dragon of Bigjob, as he fights off a menacing Doomfang.

Riding his dragon the Thunderer, he shot arrow after arrow at the Doomfang
  — Book 4  

The Doomfang eventually kills Bigjob, but no mention is given of the fate of his Thunderer.

How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel[]

A Thunderer appears as Furious' second-in-command in his Dragon Rebellion army.

ATTA-A-A-A-A-A CCCKKKKKKK!!!!!!!" roared the dragon Furious to his second-in-command, a great Sea-Dragon called the Thunderer.
  How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel  

The great Sea-Dragon Thunderer came joyfully to tell the news to Furious. ... So the Thunderer was surprised to find Furious in such abject misery.
  How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel  

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