How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Target Sheep are a group of sheep with targets painted onto their sides, seen in multiple media within the DreamWorks Dragons Franchise.

Official Description[]

Being a key animal in the history of farming, sheep have a deeply entrenched place in Viking culture. Not only are they useful for producing wool used to make the warm collars and itchy felt clothing that typify Vikings fashion, but they have also played a central role in the education of Berkian dragons.
In a flurry of singed hair scented with lanolin and mint jelly, a Target sheep is the perfect sparring partner for a Dragon looking to boost it's skill with target practice.
  Dragons: Titan Uprising  


Dragon Racing[]

At some point between the events of Dawn of the Dragon Racers and How to Train Your Dragon 2, the sport of Dragon Racing was modified to specify which Sheep amongst many were the 'targets' of the game. Presumably these sheep who were selected were those least afraid and used to being around and handled by dragons. These designated Target Sheep are tracked down and grabbed up by dragons participating in the game, to earn a certain number of points.

Dragon Training[]

Dragons: Titan Uprising also indicates that Target Sheep can be used as target practice for a dragon's breath ability.

Physical Appearance[]

Target Sheep are ordinary-appearing sheep, typically ones with white wool, though occasionally a Black Sheep is used. A variety of colored paints are used to paint a symbol on both flanks so that they stand out from other sheep. Typically concentric-ringed bullseye pattern is used, but in Dragons: Titan Uprising, five different geometric shapes each with a different color can be used.




Target Sheep uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dragons Titan Uprising Wiki page Target Sheep. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). Wiki-Wordmark-TU

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