How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
Grito Mortal
This is the biography page for Summer, listing all the events the character has experienced.

Summer is Leyla's Fastfin and a member of the Rescue Riders.

Early Life[]

During her childhood, while playing with a few of her friends, Summer was left behind and attacked by an eel, resulting in her fear of eels, contrary to her species' lack of the phobia.

Later during her life, Summer visited an exotic island, which she would later remember for its calm waters, sunny beaches, and shady nap spots.

Sometime later, Leyla, a young human, fell into the ocean while riding a dragon. Fortunately, Summer was there to save her. The two had a conversation about tides, during which they discovered they have a lot in common, resulting in them becoming the best of friends.

Integrating into a Human Town[]

TN - Summer headed to save the egg

Summer and her group of dragons and the human twins Dak and Leyla came across a Viking man about to drown from a shipwreck in the episode, "The Nest". They rescued him and the man turned out to be the Chief of Huttsgalor, named Duggard the Decisive. He invited them back to his village, where the dragon group helped the villagers clean up after a fierce storm. Some villagers, such as Magnus Finke, disliked the dragons' presence, and tried to get them evicted by accusing Burple of eating the town's prize sheep, Haggis. Feeling unaccepted, the dragon group left town. However, Magnus' Auto Lumberjack Machine went haywire and the group returned to save the town from damage. The villagers were thankful. The blacksmith Hannahr found Haggis and uncovered Magnus' deception. As thanks, Duggard offered an old lighthouse as a permanent residence. The group accepted. Duggard also called them the 'Rescue Riders', a name which Summer and the others liked well and adopt.

In "Deep Trouble", Summer and Leyla failed to even hit the target in 'Fast Blast Drills' because they lost time over-planning. Afterwards, she and the other Rescue Riders listened to Elbone as he told them of his plans to go into the Maze Caves to map them. The next day Elbone has not returned, so Cutter, Dak, and Winger rushed into the caves after him and got lost. Summer and Leyla made many plans to save them, but wasted time doing so. Ultimately they used their instincts and saved the others just before the caves flooded from rising tides.

Summer cleaning Cutter's wings with water

In "Boo to You", Summer learned about a holiday on Huttsgalor called Hoogenboo. Marena told the story of the Phantom Fang, but no one believed her, except Burple. Later, an invisible force started wreaking havoc in the village. Leyla figured out that the 'ghost' was actually a Slinkwing dragon. Summer and the other riders fought it off, but were only successful after Burple had the idea to mark the camouflaging dragon.

Summer, along with the other Rescue Riders, helped out Huttsgalor by moving sheep from pasture to pasture in "Where There's Smoke". Unfortunately, fires kept developing near the sheep flock, and Duggard asked the Riders to put out the fires. Magnus accused Cutter of starting them, so the Riders investigated the cause of the fires. Ultimately, they found the culprit - a Fire Fury named Aggro - who was trying to use fire to protect the sheep from wolves. The Rescue Riders cleared Cutter's name and asked Aggro to join the team.

HM - Summer trying to push the Belzium

When the town's metal objects started falling apart, Chief Duggard asked the Rescue Riders to find more Belzium in "Heavy Metal". It quickly devolved into a competition amongst the Riders and Magnus. Even Summer joined the competition, citing superior intellect. Eventually, Summer and Leyla found a cave of Belzium, only to be followed immediately by Dak and Winger, then Magnus. The lack of cooperation led Summer, Dak, Leyla, Winger, and Magnus to become trapped in the cave. Only teamwork got them out of the cave, and then teamwork with all the Riders helped divert a run-away Belzium boulder from crushing houses and villagers.

Summer and the other Rescue Riders inadvertently made new member Aggro feel left out and not part of the team in "Iced Out". After they left her behind to watch a fire while they went fishing, Aggro left to help Elbone on a dragon egg rescue mission on her own. When the Riders realized that she went to Huttsgalor's icy region and that she might be in danger, Summer and the other Riders flew out to find her. With the help of a new dragon friend, Aggro and Elbone were able to signal to the Riders before falling over a high icy waterfall. When everyone was safe and sound back at the Roost, The Twins and Summer apologized to Aggro for making her feel left out, and they explain that the other Riders have been together for a long time and it was a little hard changing to accommodate a new member.

Multiple eels around Summer

All the dragons except Summer came down with the Dreaded Dragon Flu in "Sick Day". She and Leyla searched for a cure and consulted with Marena, who told them that Help Kelp is the cure. Unfortunately eels also like this seaweed. Despite being a Fastfin, which is a species of dragons typically lacking eel phobia, Summer is afraid of them due to an incident in her youth. Leyla helped Summer confront her fears, however, and the two worked together to retrieve the medicine in eel-infested waters to help their friends. Ultimately while the other dragons are cured, Summer herself got sick with the flu.

Summer and her fellow Rescue Riders reluctantly saved Magnus in "Bad Egg". He created a false egg to hide inside and infiltrate the Roost, so that he could steal Leyla's Dragon Diary. Cutter caught Magnus sneaking around and sealed him inside with Slinkwing slime and rolled him out into the cold night. A mother Silver-tailed Ironclaw took the 'egg' away to her nest to raise. After finding out what had transpired, Summer and the others flew off to find the egg and tried to get it away from an angry Mama Ironclaw. Eventually, they convinced the angry dragon to calm down and proved that the egg wasn't real, in part because Leyla realized that Summer's water blasts scared the large dragon.

HA - Based on the mud

While the Rescue Riders were gathering supplies in the woods for training, they found three orphaned eggs in "Home Alone". Not finding a nest they may have come from, they took the eggs back to the Roost to care for. Shortly after they got the eggs settled in, Chief Duggard arrived, asking for Summer, Leyla, Dak, and Winger to fly him to various cave sites around the island to find one suitable for grain storage for the village. The four riders reluctantly left the eggs in the care of Cutter, Burple, and Aggro. They visited many caves, and Duggard seemed to have an excuse for why each one wasn't suitable. Summer felt there was something else going on, and deliberately led the group to a cave they had already visited. Duggard claimed this one was unsuitable, for a different reason than he previously cited. The Riders confronted him on his motives, and he admitted, while the village does need a new storage cave, he really enjoyed riding on a dragon. They promised Duggard he could fly again soon. Summer, Leyla, Dak, and Winger then returned to the Roost and found everything in order.

In "Slobber Power", Summer and Leyla competed against the other about who would become the mother figure to the trio of eggs the Riders had found previously. One of the eggs hatched, and instead of either of them, the new baby imprinted on Cutter, which surprised them all. Leyla identified the baby as a Slobber Smelter. Summer and Leyla tried to coach the reluctant Cutter on how to care for the baby. Eventually they left the Roost to catch more fish for the baby and left Cutter alone. When they returned much later, they found Cutter playing well with the baby and caring for him adequately. Just then the other two eggs hatched, and immediately bypassed Summer and Leyla and fixated on Cutter.

CC - The water bouncing off the goo

Leyla decided to move her belongings down into the dragons' sleep cave for a night when a windy storm hit in "Crash Course". This included a jar of Slinkwing goo. During the night, the baby dragons escaped their crib and knocked the jar over next to Cutter. The next morning, Summer and Aggro woke up and ate herring for breakfast, but Cutter wasn't able to get up, being glued in place by the goo. Leyla felt guilty and waited on his hand and foot. Summer and Aggro joined in, going to retrieve specific fish for him to eat and special water from the far side of the island. At one point, Cutter was able to free himself, but pretended to be trapped in order to continue to be pampered. Leyla, Summer, and Aggro discovered this, then tricked him back by sending in the baby Slobber Smelters to burn him out of the goo with their acidic drool. Cutter jumped away, revealing his deception. For recompense, the girls had him fetch items for them like they did for him.

In "Furious Fun", Summer and the Rescue Riders heard Mrs. Borgomon calling for help, as Finngard got himself into another predicament - stuck in a tree. Aggro pulled him down. Later Mrs. Borgomon visited the Roost and showed the Riders what she found under her son's bed - a book full of notes on dragons. Leyla suggested having a Dragon Day for him to take notes and everyone agreed. The next day, each dragon showed off their abilities. Summer and Leyla flew around and demonstrated Summer's water blasts. Unfortunately, Aggro did not show up for Dragon Day, and the Riders realized that she and her new Fire Fury friends, Laburn and Cinda, may be in trouble. Summer, along with the other Riders saved the three Fire Furies from the dangerous Boiling Springs Valley.

GGP1 - The baby shriekshales hiding behind Summer's front legs

Winger, Burple, and Dak brought home a pair of dragon babies to the Roost in "Grumblegard, Part 1". When they started emitting a deafening scream, Leyla identified them as Piercing Shriekscales. The shrill screams meant they are hungry, and won't eat anything other than rare Crimson Pine bark. While Dak, Winger, Burple, and Aggro left the Roost to find some of the bark, Summer, Cutter, and Leyla stayed behind to take care of all the babies. They weren't successful trying to quiet the Baby Shriekscales, having tried many different tactics. They took them to the village, in hopes that the change of scenery would distract them. Unfortunately they screamed anyway, which disrupted the town and woke Marena. Marena followed them back to the Roost, where she performed a strange clapping dance and put the babies to sleep. Leyla tried multiple times to repeat what Marena did, but to no avail. Eventually, Dak and the others returned with the bark, which finally assuaged the babies.

GGP2 - Summer finsihing getting the goo off of Grumblegard's mouth

Burple, Dak, Winger, and Aggro had angered Grumblegard to the point that he followed them back to Huttsgalor in "Grumblegard, Part 2". He attacked the village with his wind blasts, and none of the Riders were able to stop him. He gave them the ultimatum to leave Huttsgalor or he would blow the island into the sea. The Riders were at a loss as to what to do. Dak came up with the idea to enlist the help of the Slinkwings. The Slinkwings helped them subdue Grumblegard when he returned, but they double-crossed the Riders and took over Grumblegard's Island. After the Riders explained to the downed Grumblegard why they stole bark from his island, and the old dragon saw the baby dragons the Riders were caring for, Grumblegard called a truce. Dak and the others, along with Grumblegard, attacked the Slinkwings on Hazard Island and eventually evicted them from the island. Though the Riders returned to the Roost with plenty of bark, Grumblegard came to visit. the baby dragons seemed to like the old dragon so much, that the Riders and Grumblegard decided that the babies would go live with him.

New Adventures[]


In "Double Finked", Summer and Leyla test with success the Rescue Vine that Hannahr made for them. Later, they receive a dragon egg, and Summer read from a note attached to it that a man found it and sent it to them. Just then, a boy named Axel arrived at the Roost and asked the Rescue Riders if he could join them. After a quick discussion, Summer and the others agree. That night, Summer went to sleep while Cutter and Axel guarded the egg. In the morning, when the Riders woke up, the egg disappeared. Axel claimed that the thieves were invisible, so Summer believed them to be Slinkwings. She and the rest of the Riders went searching for it. They met with Duggard, who told them that Axel was Magnus Finke's nephew. Summer went to Magnus' house to confront Axel, but the Baby Ramblefang that hatched from the egg grabbed Axel and flew away, stopping on a Sea Stack. Summer and Leyla tried to talk to the dragon, but it was too young to understand them. Summer and Leyla then used the Rescue Vine to replace Axel with the Elbone Doll. Summer took Axel back to Magnus' house and then returned to the Roost.

DW - Summer smiling

In "Divewings", Summer and Leyla received a fish from Elbone, who claimed he had moved on to another "business". While returning to the Roost, Summer noticed a Huttsgalorian ship being attacked by dragons. She and the rest of the Rescue Riders rushed to help the sailors. Summer and Leyla directly confronted the aquatic dragons and chased them out of the water. The dragons turned out to be Divewings, and Summer chased them. The Riders eventually reached a whirlpool created by the Divewings. Summer and Leyla went inside and they ended up in a cave, where they discovered the Divewings' nest. She brought the rest of her friends and together they learnt that the nest was in danger from the trash that people dumped into the ocean. Summer offered to find out the culprit, along with Dak, Aggro, and Cutter. They first checked on Magnus, whom they suspected. Summer didn't believe that Magnus was guilty, but still kept an eye on him for the rest of the day. However, when she returned to the Divewings' nest, Summer noticed more litter thrown into the ocean. She discovered that Elbone was the one throwing metal in the ocean. With the help of Dak, Fathom, and Gill, Summer cleaned out the water before the scraps could reach the nest. Summer then went with Dak to Magnus' house, where he apologized for throwing accusations at him.

MM - Summer still ahead of the mechano dragon

In "Mecha-Menace", Summer was present at the moment Haggis saw his shadow, which meant that Spring had officially begun. She grabbed a Luck Lantern and returned to the Roost, where he painted it with berry paint. She later returned it to the village and placed it alongside the others. Summer witnessed Magnus revealing his latest invention, the Mechano-Dragon. The fact that Magnus was praised for the creation of the machine infuriated Leyla, so Summer tried to calm her down. Still, Leyla set out to prove that real dragons were better than a machine. Summer and Leyla helped Elbone in his farming business and soon engaged in a seed planting competition against Axel. However, the Mechano-Dragon broke down and got out of control, forcing Summer to rescue Axel.

SH - I might

In "Summer Holiday", Summer and the rest of the Rescue Riders saved a nest of dragon eggs. Their mission was almost compromised when Finngard tried to help them. Fortunately, the Rescue Riders saved both the eggs and Finngard, whom they returned home. Later that day, the Rescue Riders decided to go on a vacation on an exotic island, as suggested by Summer. Upon arriving on the island, Summer laid down beside Leyla. Just then, a couple of eels attacked the Rescue Riders and forced them to retreat inside a forest. There, the Rescue Riders discovered Finngard, who had traveled secretly with them. The boy made nests for them, but accidentally used itchy plants. Dak claimed that that Finngard was a trouble-maker, which made the boy run away. Summer went searching for him and eventually found him in a cave. There, the Rescue Riders were attack by wolves, who surrounded them. Summer fought them until she ran out of shots, and she was ultimately saved by Finngard, who chased the wolves away using Wood Nettles. Summer returned the boy home, after which he continued the vacation on a different island.

TH - What amazing dragons they are

In "Treasure Riders", Summer met Waldondo del Mundo, who introduced himself as the greatest adventurer. He explained that he was looking for Marena, so Summer and the rest of the Rescue Riders took him to her. Waldondo boasted about many of his adventures, so Summer quickly gained admiration for him, and competed against Aggro in showing off her skills. He revealed that he had a map to Odin's Gem, the most searched for treasure. Summer offered to go with him, and Waldondo agreed. They all took off to the sky, and Marena rode on Summer. The Rescue Riders arrived on the Isle of Lost Vikings, where they entered an ancient cave. It was full of booby traps, but Summer and the other dragons managed to deflect all of them. When they emerged on the other side, they found a ship and Summer assumed the treasure was on it. When the Rescue Riders checked underneath the deck, Waldondo trapped them there, revealing his real plan. He disposed of Marena and sailed off. Summer and the rest of the Rescue Riders were rescued by Marena and Burple, who secretly followed the ship. They returned to Huttsgalor and asked Marena how she knew that the map to Odin's Gem was fake. She then revealed the gem that she kept on her belt and gave it to Burple.

PE - Until you let me try

In "Puff Enuf", Summer practiced target shooting with her friends, and even managed to hit two moving targets at once. The Rescue Riders were then visited by Elbone, who informed them of strange dragon noises coming from the Maze Caves. Summer and the others decided to investigate and so they took Elbone with them. The man told them about his newest business, seashell jewelry, and left them to enter the Maze Caves. There, they discovered a scared juvenile Puffertail, who introduced herself as Zeppla. The Rescue Riders got her out of the caves and took her to the village of Huttsgalor, where Summer gave her a tour of the town. Just then, a fire burst out and Summer and Leyla quickly extinguished, fact which impressed Zeppla. She asked the Rescue Riders to train her, which they accepted. Summer helped set out various training exercises at the Roost, but Zeppla kept failing them and inflating all the time. Leyla decided to visit Elbone with Summer and Burple, but they didn't find him in the village or at his home. Believing he may be in trouble, Summer returned to the Roost and told the others. The Rescue Riders and Zeppla went looking for Elbone and decided to split up. Summer went with Leyla and Burple, but they didn't find anything. They reunited with the others, who had already found Elbone, and they all returned to the Roost. There they bid farewell to Zeppla, who decided to return to her home island.

HHH - The heat too much for Cutter

In "Hot, Hot, Hot", Summer witnessed Magnus reveal his latest invention: an improved Mechano-Dragon. Summer scoffed at it, remembering how the Rescue Riders had to save the town from the last Mechano-Dragon. Later that night, Summer and the others discovered that Aggro sneaked out of the Roost and flew into the night. After searching for her for a few minutes, the Rescue Riders found Aggro in Boiling Springs Valley. She awkwardly avoided answering their questions and they all flew back to the Roost. The next day, Summer and the others followed Aggro around, in order to find out out what was wrong with her. Aggro was annoyed by them and asked them to stop. The next night, Aggro sneaked yet again and didn't return before morning. Summer and the rest of the Rescue Riders set out to search for her and eventually found her inside the volcano on Volcano Island. They asked her to get out, but she couldn't do it because her wings grew stiff in the heat. The Rescue Riders tried various methods to get her out, including asking Magnus to use his Mechano-Dragon, but they all failed. Ultimately, Leyla used scraps of Belzium pieces to make an armor for Burple, who saved Aggro from the volcano. Summer was glad to see her friend safe, and the Rescue Riders returned to Huttsgalor.

HA - Cooling down the second piece of metal

In "High Anxiety", Summer noticed Burple acting strange. He explained that he wanted to experience what it was like to be a human for a day, but accidentally broke the bridge while crossing it. Summer went to Hannahr, so that she could fix the bridge. After she was done, four Silver-tailed Ironclaw hatchlings arrived in town and created havoc. Summer yelled at the babies, and they all lined up, much to Leyla's bewilderment. The Rescue Riders grabbed them and flew them back to their nest, only to discover that their mother was missing. After a quick search, they found her with her wing trapped under boulders. They helped her free her wing, but she couldn't fly. Summer and Leyla went after Hannahr and asked her to make a splint for Mama Ironclaw, but she refused, as she was afraid of heights and couldn't go up the mountain. Dak offered to do it himself, but the splinters made broke apart and Mama Ironclaw fell even further down the mountain. Summer held her so that she wouldn't slip again, until Dak returned with Hannahr. The blacksmith managed to make splinter just before the cliff collapsed, and Mama Ironclaw was able to fly again. They all returned to her nest, where she thanked the Rescue Riders and Hannahr for their help.

KB - This is a great system

In "King Burple", the Rescue Riders practiced moves with the Elbone Doll, when the real Elbone came to them and asked them for help in finding his house boat, which drifted away after he used a wooden anchor. The Rescue Riders began their search, and they decided to split up to cover more ground. Summer, Leyla, and Aggro went south, but they didn't find anything. When the Rescue Riders regrouped, they noticed that Cutter and Burple hadn't returned, so they decided to go in their direction. They eventually found Elbone's boat crashed on Flyhopper Island. However, they discovered that Rocky had fallen overboard in a pile of rocks, so they started searching for it. Summer, Leyla, and Aggro made a pile of rocks that weren't Rocky in order to make their search easier, but it scattered when Winger accidentally flew into it. After some time, the Rescue Riders reunited with Cutter and Burple, with the latter immediately identifying Rocky. The Rescue Riders returned to Huttsgalor alongside Elbone, who sailed on his boat.

CU - Summer blocking a blast of fire

In "Charged Up", the Rescue Riders made a competition to find out whose blast could knock a target the furthest. Winger won, much to Summer's annoyance. On the way to the Roost, the Rescue Riders noticed fireballs coming from a forest, but didn't find anyone there. The following morning at the Roost, Duggard arrived and gave the Rescue Riders two mysterious dragon spikes he found in the village. Summer went outside of the Roost, only to discover that their targets were gone. The Rescue Riders headed to town, where they discovered Magnus' latest Mechano-Dragon using their gear. Summer was shocked by it and mad that it was copying her powers, but noticed that the machine was slower than the other dragons. Magnus set out to prove that the Mechano-Dragon was better than the Rescue Riders, but failed to block Boiling Springs Valley with a rock hill. Winger succeeded in doing it, proving to Magnus they were better than him. The next day, the Rescue Riders woke up to find an out-of-control Mechano-Dragon attacking the village. They tried to destroy it, but failed due to it being made out of Belzium. Winger tired it down, while Summer and the others blasted it. The machine exploded, and the Rescue Riders saved the village yet again.

BF - How about a trade

In "Belly Flop", Summer took her friends out to the sea to practice diving moves, except for Leyla who stayed behind at the Roost. When she returned, Summer expected to find Leyla preparing a gift for her upcoming birthday, but the girl was simply reading her Dragon Diary. The two of them, accompanied by Aggro and Burple, went in town, where they saved a Viking sailor from Elbone's ship. Upon boarding the boat, they discovered that the fisherman was not on it, so they went to search for him on a nearby island. There, they discovered that Elbone had been swallowed accidentally by an enormous Sea Gronckle named Gludge. Summer and Leyla tried to convince the dragon to open his mouth, but he refused. Summer then tried to make a trade with Gludge by offering him fish, but the Sea Gronckle ended up swallowing her as well. Summer tried to fight her way out, but the dragon started to swallow his meal, causing her to almost be sucked in the Sea Gronckle's stomach. Aggro managed to distract Gludge, which saved some time for Summer and Elbone. After a while, the Sea Gronckle swallowed a barrel of rotten food brought by Leyla, which caused him to vomit Summer and Elbone. The Fastfin reunited with her friends and found out the the barrel contained failed attempts of the Seven Spice Seafood Surprise, which Leyla had prepared for her birthday. Summer declared that she didn't want to eat any fish after her experience and the Rescue Riders returned to Huttsgalor.

GOH - Duggad saying yeah

In "Game of Horns", Summer participated in a new training exercise created by Dak and Leyla, which consisted of the dragon firing as fast as he could at targets with certain colours. The Rescue Riders were interrupted when a horn blew from the village, so they went to see what was happening. Summer witnessed Duggard speaking the opening for the Festival of Festivals and the Game of Horns. The following day, Summer watched the first three events of the competition, which Magnus won easily, as he was allowed to be helped by Axel and the Mechano-Dragon. In an attempt to help their chief, the Rescue Riders asked Duggard to adopt them, which he happily agreed to. Summer was then able to help Duggard win a few events of the competition, until he and Magnus reached a tie. Summer prepared for the last event, named the Race of Doom, and was shocked to find herself stuck to the ground with Slinkwing goo. Magnus revealed that he had glued everyone but Burple, so that Duggard would participate by himself. Dak and Leyla were able too get out by removing their boots, so the girl went to help Duggard, while her brother stayed behind and freed Summer and the others from the goo. Summer then watched with disgust as Magnus stopped before crossing the finish line to rub in his victory. Fortunately, Burple was able to surprise everyone and win the race, much to Summer's delight. Duggard was then crowned as Chief of Huttsgalor and took flight with his new family.

Finding and Protecting a Golden Dragon Egg[]

HFTGD - That does make sense

One day, Summer woke up to find Waldondo at the Roost. She immediately attacked the pirate, as a payback for their last encounter, but Waldondo dodged all the attacks and explained that he had come in peace. Summer didn't believe him, so he took him to Marena. Much to Leyla's surprise, she hugged Waldondo, claiming that she would always forgive him, but that she would never forget what he had done. Waldondo revealed a map leading to the Golden Dragon and asked the Rescue Riders to protect it from the pirates that wanted its egg. They accepted and took off to find the dragon. On the island indicated on the map, the Rescue Riders encountered Erik the Wretched. The pirate was willing to collaborate with them in finding the golden egg, but they refused. The pirates left, so the Rescue Riders tried to decipher the first clue on the map. They had different interpretations of it so they split in two: Summer, Leyla, and Burple formed one group, while Dak, Winger, Aggro, and Cutter formed another group. Summer entered a cave, which soon turned out to be dangerous and full of traps. Realizing they had entered the wrong cave, Summer, Leyla, and Burple returned and entered the correct cave, where they reunited with Dak and the others.

HFTGD - Summer getting Leyla's bag off the magnet

While trying to solve the next riddle, the Rescue Riders were intercepted by Svetlana the Sly, who trapped them in a giant Belzium magnet. They managed to trick her by hiding the map inside Burple, so that she left them in the cave. The Rescue Riders freed themselves and continued their search. They discovered the real location of the Golden Dragon on a different island. Just then, Waldondo appeared behind them, stole their map, and blocked them inside the cave. Summer then fired at a small opening, which she managed to make large enough to fly through. Summer and the others confronted the three pirates and took the map back, after which they headed to the Golden Dragon's island. There, they encountered a herd of hostile sheep that attacked them. They escaped the sheep and found a group of wolves that lead them to the Golden Dragon. Summer and the others then went inside a cave leading to the Golden Dragon. There they discovered a wall with dragon symbols and dragon classes symbols.

HFTGD - You're doing great, Ley

Summer watched as Leyla identified each one of them and matched them with their respective classes. When she was done, a door opened, which led her to the Golden Dragon's nest. There the Rescue Riders met Gemma and her egg. They convinced the mother dragon to let them help her in protecting the egg from the pirates. The Rescue Riders made three fake eggs and Summer took one of them. She flew to the pirates, where she dropped the egg, which the pirates realized was fake. After the last egg was dropped into the ocean, and it seemed that it was lost forever, the pirates gave up their search and Summer along her friends returned to Gemma's nest just in time to witness her offspring hatching.

Dealing with a Songwing's Voice[]

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Celebrating Odinyule[]

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Discovering Dragon Secrets[]

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"Crystal Clear"

"How I Met Your Summer"

"Snooping Around"

"Oh, Brother"

"Search for the Sunken City"

Dragons: Rescue Riders, Season 4[]

This section requires expansion.

"Teamwork is Magic"

"The Incredible Burple"

"Flight of the Stinkwing"

"The Big Sheep"

"Rescue Racers"

"Day Without Dragons"

Dragons: Rescue Riders, Season 5[]

This section requires expansion.

"The Inflato-Force Awakens"

"Return to the Sunken City"

"My Dragonguard"

"Gludge-Tastic Voyage"

"Dragon Out of Water"

"Nest Day"

Dragons: Rescue Riders, Season 6[]

This section requires expansion.

"Full Metal Magnus"

"Triple Trouble Tuesday"

"Where's Waldondo"

"The Greatest Showdragons"

"Copy That"

"And You Are?"

Site Navigation[]
