How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Harmless, this one. Never moves from this spot. He thinks quite highly of himself. [src]
  — Spitelout about Stoick  

Stoick is a Singetail named by Spitelout Jorgenson after Stoick the Vast.

Physical Appearance

Stoick is a yellow Singetail with red spots on his body.

Behaviour and Personality

Stoick is very sleepy even so that Hiccup thought his name is Naplout. He didn't wake up when Spitelout was sitting on him or when the two Vikings were talking near him.


Taking a Nap

When Hiccup came to Storehouse Island to learn more about Singetails, he met Spitelout who was also on the island for revenge. He introduced all the Singetails to Hiccup, including Stoick who was sleeping and didn't notice the vikings.


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