How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

The Stinkwing is a dragon that first appeared in Dragons: Rescue Riders.

Physical Appearance[]

Hatchling to Adult[]

Stinkwings are four-legged winged dragons that are primarily yellow in appearance with with an orange camouflage-like pattern on their underbellies and chins. They possess a round head with a ridged curved horn on each side and a small flat horn on their face. They have small spikes along their spine and a triangular tipped tail.


Stink Blast[]

Stinkwings are capable of breathing streams of stink gas. The smell of this stink gas is powerful enough to cause predators and other dragons to flee. They are also capable at emitting this awful smelling odor from their bodies.


No Stink[]

When a Stinkwing stops eating its usual diet of fish, it'll lose its natural ability to scare off predators. Without it, it'll be an easy prey for wolves and boars.

Behavior and Personality[]

Stinkwings are very unconfident and want to leave people and dragons alone.


Dragons: Rescue Riders[]

Season 4[]

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