Stingrays are flat marine fish which appear minimally in the DreamWorks Dragons Franchise.
The stingrays are cartilaginous fish, closely related to sharks, belonging to the Order Myliobatiformes. They are divided into eight families.
The stingray is most well known for the stinger that is present on the end of tail. It uses the stinger to pierce through and stop it's prey before it can escape. The stinger is razor-sharp, barbed or serrated and attached to the stingray's thin tail. This means the stingray can whip it's stinger to pretty much anywhere, extremely quickly as the long tail of the stingray is extremely agile and very flexible.
Stingrays breed during the winter and the female gives birth to live young usually between 5 and 15 pups in a litter. The babies develop inside the mother stingray for around 9 months and feed off the remaining yolk in their eggs sacks. When this runs out, the baby stingrays are feed milk in the uterus of the female stingray. When the babies are born, they are able to swim about and begin hunting with their mother.
Some Stingray species native to Scandinavia that Vikings may have encountered include: the Common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca), the Norwegian skate (Dipturus nidarosiensis), and the Pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon violacea).
The main use of the stingray in both franchise and real life is as food. Its wings especially, are the most prized, commonly eaten dried.
Due to their docile behavior, stingrays are a common tourist attraction of many places.
How to Train Your Dragon[]
During the film maker's commentary, Bonnie Arnold compares Toothless' scale pattern to the appearance of a manta ray; a close relative of the stingray.
Dragons: Riders of Berk Comics[]
Dragon Down[]
During Hiccup's opening narration, a woman is seen selling fresh fish, including a stingray.
Other Mentions[]
The Tidal Class dragon called Seashocker was inspired by a manta ray.
“ | Supremely furtive, Seashockers share attributes with many of the the ocean's most extraordinary creature: the morphology of a Manta Ray, the sonar of a dolphin, and the bioluminescene of a deep dweller. | ” |
— Dragonpedia |