How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Spinach refers to a plant briefly mentioned in How to Train Your Dragon Book series.


Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) most known for its edible leaves, though it is an annual flowering plant. Spinach originated in the Middle East, and spread by human transportation into China, and later to Mediterranean countries. Spinach prefers cool weather, leading it to grow much earlier in the year than other crops. Depending on the variety, hot weather causes the plant to go to seed earlier in the year. Leaf shape can vary in spinach depending on the variety. Some produce very large leaves and others smaller sizes. Some are more oval shaped while others can be oblong and pointed at the end.


In the Book series, spinach is mentioned as a way to illustrate intense green color.

In reality, spinach is a vegetable crop for humans. It is mild and tender compared to other leafy crops, and can be eaten raw or cooked. It has a high nutritional content for vitamins and minerals, especially when consumed raw or lightly cooked.


How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse[]

The intense green color of Doomfang eyes is described in depth, relating them to the color of green spinach.

It was as if all the green in the world, of peas, of grass, of spinach, of leaves, of beans and frogs, had been concentrated in that one eye and given it the intensity of pure green acid.
  — Book 4  


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