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How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Snub-Nosed Hellsteethers are a type or species of Hellsteether seen in The Incomplete Book of Dragons and briefly in How to Fight a Dragon's Fury, fighting on the side of Furious in the Dragon Rebellion.

Physical Appearance[]

Hellsteethers' singular feature are their double jaws. They have an exterior mouth that looks rather ordinary in a short snout, but inside is another set of jaws that can extend forward to grab prey. They have large nostrils and small eyes, indicating they rely more on smell than vision. They have a very long tail compared to the length of the body. Hellsteethers have 4 legs with 3 toes on each foot. They have a row of spines down their back and tail. The body is blue/green while the wings are orange brown like dead leaves.


In addition to their extendable inner jaw, Snub-Nosed Hellsteethers can spit acid as well as having acidic blood. They have poor eyesight, yet have hypnotic powers, according to the Dragon Key in "The Complete Book of Dragons. They do have an excellent sense of smell. The Dragon Key also indicated Hellsteethers can shoot missiles or lasers, but doesn't specify which (or both).


The Incomplete Book of Dragons also indicates that because of a Snub-Nosed Hellsteether's poor eyesight, rapid zig-zagging motion can disorient them. They also have a vaguely described weak spot inside their mouths.


The Incomplete Book of Dragons[]

Snub-Nosed Hellsteethers are detailed in this reference book, as well as listed in the 'Dragon Key' at the back of the book.

How to Fight a Dragon's Fury[]

Snub-Nosed Hellsteethers are mentioned in this final book of the series as fighting alongside Furious in the Dragon Rebellion. An image also appears of one in this book.


  • There is a second species of Hellsteether, this dragon is seen at the beginning of the Complete book of dragons. This dragon does not have a snub nose and is a blood red rather than a sea green. This could be species related or just a coincidence.
  • Snub-Nosed Hellsteethers' double jaws feature is similar to real life moray eels.


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