How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Smeltdown is a mini-comic which comes along with the third volume of the Riders of Berk Comics, "Underworld".


Gobber recruits Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut from the academy and tells them to bring their dragons with them. He brings them to his forge, where he explains that Hiccup had an idea after the adventure with Captain Fiske. Hiccup presents his invention, the Flame-Tastic Inferno-Class Firepower-Plus, a smelting machine that uses dragon power. Outside the forge, Astrid and Snotlout make a bet on how long Hiccup's machine will last until causing destruction. Hiccup explains how the contraption works: Meatlug breaks down rocks, which are fed to the machine, while Barf and Belch provide fire. The invention works, much to Astrid and Snotlout's surprise. However, as Gobber mentions that the teens will have to process sixty wagonloads of rocks, Ruffnut and Tuffnut were disappointed.

Later that day, the twins complained about being stuck inside instead of having fun. They decided to feed Barf and Belch a couple of animals that the dragon liked, but which upset their stomach. Meanwhile, Meatlug grew tired from the work, so Fishlegs left to get her favourite gravel. While he was gone, she started processing a nearby sack of rocks. At the same time, Hiccup was flying above the forge, where he met Astrid and Snotlout, who claimed to be waiting for something. He assured them that he tested the contraption and it couldn't break down. However, in that moment, Barf and Belch fired after having eaten the gross animals upon Meatlug's new rocks. This caused a large explosion that shot debris all the way to the sea.

Later in the afternoon, Stoick scolded Gobber for listening to Hiccup's idea.






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