How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
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Smashsticks-on-Ice is mentioned briefly in the game, Dragons: Titan Uprising.


Although there is no description of how this sport came to be, it is mentioned that it is played on Berk and that a match of this game is played during Boot Night.

Game Play[]

There is no discussion whatsoever about what Smashsticks-on-Ice entails, but, based off its name and its book counterpart, it is presumably similar to modern hockey, using sticks of some sort and an object functioning as a puck.



Dragons: Titan Uprising[]

With a few blasts of singeing fire, any Hotbelly Singetail can call a bevvy of allies to its aide to drive off any foreign invaders in their territory with all the ferocity of a Smashsticks-on-ice match on boot night.
  Hotbelly Singetail's description in Dragons: Titan Uprising  

Smashsticks-on-Ice is briefly mentioned in the description of the Singetail Hotbelly Singetail.

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