How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Sleipnir is a mythical horse mentioned in briefest terms in the Dreamworks Dragons Franchise.


Sleipnir is a mythical horse ridden by the god Odin. He is grey with eight legs, and is supernaturally strong and of great endurance, as well as able to cross into Helheim and back, which even the gods have a hard time doing on their own. The god Loki gave birth to Sleipnir; Loki shape-shifted into a mare to distract another mythic stallion named Swadilfari, resulting in Sleipnir.

Sleipnir is mentioned in many Norse documents, mainly in company of Odin.


Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 1[]

In "Big Man on Berk", Sleipnir is indirectly mentioned by Fishlegs Ingerman in his Thor Bonecrusher persona as Odin's eight-legged horse that is slower than Meatlug in his tale of confronting the Scauldron Bonecrusher's Conquest.

Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 4[]

There is only an oblique mention of Sleipnir - an island named Sleipnir Island in "Midnight Scrum". It served as a meeting point for several villains after the capture of Hiccup.


Dragons: Rise of Berk[]

Sleipnir Island appears briefly as a location Toothless can search for game resources and dragon eggs.


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