How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

I know a few things about Sea Gronckles. They're known to be very slow swimmers and eaters. They scoop up a bunch of fish in their mouth and then swallow then bit by bit over several days. [src]

The Sea Gronckle is a large dragon that first appeared in Dragons: Rescue Riders.

Quick Answers

What are the unique characteristics of a Sea Gronckle? toggle section
The Sea Gronckle is a large, sea-green dragon with a pale yellow underbelly. It has bumps on its back and a fin that aids in swimming. One unique feature is its large nostril on top of its head, which is directly connected to its mouth. Despite its size, the Sea Gronckle has extremely small eyes, slightly bigger than a human's. It's known to be a strong swimmer and can use its large nostril to send blasts of water. Interestingly, Sea Gronckles are slow eaters, scooping up fish and swallowing them bit by bit over several days. They also have up to seven stomachs, which they can organize very well.
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What abilities does a Sea Gronckle possess? toggle section
The Sea Gronckle, a large dragon from the 'How to Train Your Dragon' series, possesses several unique abilities. It is an aquatic creature and a strong swimmer, thanks to a fin on its back. It can use its large nostril to send blasts of water, either above or in front of it. Despite being slow on land, Sea Gronckles are quick when it comes to feeding, able to scoop up mounts of fish in seconds. They also have up to seven stomachs, which they use to store food or anything else they swallow. These stomachs are large enough for humans and dragons to walk and fly around in, and Sea Gronckles can even organize the food they eat within them.
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In which series did the Sea Gronckle first appear? toggle section
The Sea Gronckle first appeared in the series 'Dragons: Rescue Riders'.
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How does the size of a Sea Gronckle compare to a human? toggle section
The Sea Gronckle is a large, whale-like dragon, significantly larger than a human. However, despite their large size, Sea Gronckles have extremely small eyes, only slightly bigger than a human's.
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What are some unique features of the Sea Gronckle's appearance? toggle section
The Sea Gronckle, a large whale-like dragon, has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other dragons. It has a round body and a small flat snout with two large nostrils. One of the most distinctive features of the Sea Gronckle is the fin on its back, similar to dolphins or sharks, which aids in swimming. Despite its large size, the Sea Gronckle has extremely small eyes, slightly bigger than a human's. Another interesting feature is a large nostril on top of its head, which is directly connected to its mouth and used for blasting water.
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Physical Appearance[]

Hatchling to Adult[]

Sea Gronckles are large whale-like dragons. They have a round body and a small flat snout with two large nostrils. Similar to dolphins or sharks, Sea Gronckles have a fin on their back, which helps them swimming, as well as a large nostril on top of their heads, which is directly connected to their mouths. Despite their size, Sea Gronckles have extremely small eyes, slightly bigger than a human's.



Sea Gronckles are described as being aquatic in nature, suggesting that the species is a strong swimmer.

Water Blasts[]

Sea Gronckles can use their large nostril to send blasts of water above them or right in front of them.

Speed and Agility[]

Despite being slow on land, Sea Gronckles have a swift tongue being able to scoop up mounts of fish in seconds.

Multiple Stomachs[]

Similar to Rockspitters, Sea Gronckles have up to seven stomachs that they store their food or anything else they swallow with them being big enough for humans and dragons to walk and fly around in. They can also organize the food they eat in their stomachs very well as with Gludge.

Back Burps[]

Similar to Rockspitters, Sea Gronckles can also do back burps as well but the full force of one is unknown implying that they can use them to propel themselves through the water.


Sea Gronckles have very small eyes compared to their body, which results in them having a limited view of their surroundings. This makes the dragons vulnerable to close range attacks or they could swallow things or people they aren't suppose too.

Behaviour and Personality[]

Sea Gronckles are slow swimmers and eaters. They store their food in their mouths and swallow them bit by bit over several days.


Dragons: Rescue Riders[]

Season 1[]

While the Rescue Riders are attempting to identify a trio of rescued dragon eggs in the episode "Slobber Power", Leyla proposes a Sea Gronckle as a possible identification for a flightless dragon that might imprint to her (a human), but this is quickly dismissed by Summer, as she can still teach them swimming, if not flight.

Season 2[]

Main article: Gludge

In "Belly Flop", a Sea Gronckle named Gludge inadvertently swallows Elbone and eventually Summer, but he eventually spits them out after tasting Dak’s Seven Spice Seafood Surprise.


  • The Sea Gronckle has some anatomical mistakes by having nostrils and blowhole at the same time. In fact, blowholes are modified nostrils.

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