How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
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Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Ruffnut's Victory Song is seen in the Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 6 episode, "A Gruff Separation".


The twins participate in the Thorston Induction Trials, which takes place on a Thorston's 19th birthday. According to Gruffnut, only one of the twins can pass and become a Thorston. On the third trial, Ruffnut gains control of a treasure box, while Tuffnut is dragged away by a Titan Wing Zippleback. Ruffnut rushes from the cave singing a mini victory song, but relents before completing the trial.


I win, I win
All you Thorstons, let me in
Let me in, yeah

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