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Rhinoceros, or Rhinos for short, are large animals mentioned minimally in the book How to Train Your Viking.


Rhinoceros are large mammals belonging to the Family Rhinocerotidae. They are four-legged herbivores known for their large horn on the snout and their extremely thick skin. There are currently five extant species of rhinoceros: the Indian rhinoceros, the White rhinoceros, the Black rhinoceros, the Javan rhinoceros, and the Sumatran rhinoceros. The last three species are currently considered to be critically endangered. Rhinoceros are herbivorous animals, with their diet consisting of mostly leafy material and fibrous plants.


Rhinoceros have no function in the book series. However, in reality, poachers hunt rhinos for their horns.


How to Train Your Viking[]

Rhinoceros are mentioned while describing Gronckles.

[...] fat mustard-brown Gronckles with horns like a rhinoceros and teeth like kitchen-knives.
  How to Train Your Viking  


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