How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

The Raccoon is an animal only mentioned in DreamWorks Dragons Franchise.


Racoons (family Procyonidae) are nocturnal mammals famous for their "bandit face" appearance. They have non-opposable thumbs that they can use to grab objects and open man-made containers. Raccoons are also very intelligent animals, capable of navigating through an urban environment with ease. There are only three species of raccoons: Procyon lotor (also referred as "the" raccoon), Procyon cancrivorus (the crab-eating raccoon), and Procyon pygmaeus (the Cozumel raccoon). Raccoons eat a large variety of animals and plants, depending on the time of the year and food availability.


There is no mentioned function for the raccoon in the franchise.

In real life, raccoons are often hunted for their fur, which is used for clothing, such as cloaks. In some places, humans eat raccoon meat. Though they are extremely unpredictable, and untrainable, some people keep them as exotic pets.


Dragons: The Nine Realms[]

Season 6[]

In "Sledkin Stakeout", Eugene suggested setting up a trap to catch Dr. Sledkin while mining Dragonsite in the Hidden World. However, Jun scolded him that his trap was fitting for a raccoon, not a human.


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