How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Pinchlout appeared in the Game, How to Train Your Dragon for the Nintendo DS, 360, and Wii.


On Dragon Tooth Mountain[]

About a year after the defeat of the Red Death, Stoick announces Thors'day Thursday to be the anniversary of the taming of dragons. There will be a tournament held to see who is the best dragon trainer and be decreed the "Dragon Master". The final step of preparation for the Tournament is for the contenders to collect a single bell at the highest summit of Dragon Tooth Mountain. The teenage competitors have ganged together according to clan (or House) which has resulted in a lot of fighting amongst the contestants. When Astrid or Hiccup (which ever character the player has chosen) descend Dragon Tooth Mountain having completed the quest, Pinchlout gangs up on them, with Bearlegs, to steal their bell. In actuality, Astrid or Hiccup do not have a bell, as that was not the true purpose of the exercise. Pinchlout and Bearlegs insist on fighting, and a dragon fight ensues with an unnamed Grapple Grounder; it is not clear if this dragon is meant to be Pinchlout's or Bearlegs'.


  • Please note, there may be variation in roles of minor characters in the game, depending which main character (Hiccup or Astrid) the player chooses to play as.


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