Palm trees are plants minimally mentioned in the book How to Train Your Viking.
Palm trees refer to any species belonging in the family Arecaceae. The raffia palm mentioned in the books is a tropical tree that grows in Africa and South America. Though it is improbable that Vikings have encounter it, it is possible that they bought raffia products from travelling traders. A characteristic shared by all palm species are the long and wide leaves, that grow mostly on the top of the trees. In the case of raffia, leaves can reach the length of 25 meters.
In the books, it is mentioned that raffia can be used for making various products, mostly likely using the fibrous leaf membrane.
In reality, there is also a certain wine that can be made out of raffia sap.
How to Train Your Viking[]
Fishlegs mentions raffia while thinking about alternatives to being a Viking.
“ | [...] there MUST be a better way to make a living... looking after sheep or playing a musical instrument or making things out of raffia or SOMETHING... | ” |
— Fishlegs |
Arecaceae on Wikipedia
Raffia palm on Wikipedia