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Nothing Quite Like Home is a song from the special Dragons: Rescue Riders: Secrets of the Songwing, that is sung by Leyla.


At beginning of episode[]

Good Morning, Huttsgalor.
The town that I adore.
I love this view from high above.
It reminds me of what I truly love.

The sun is shining.
The sky is so bright.
And there go Dak and Winger on their morning flight.
Aggro and Summer are back at it again.
It's hard to believe fire and water make good friends.
And there's Burple, and he's playing a game of Cloud and Seek
Look's like Cutter's going to keep his winning streak.
The thing I love about this crazy town
Is having all my friends around.

(Spoken) Morning Haggis.

Exploring's so exciting.
Rescuing is the best.
But it is also kind of nice to be back in my nest.
As long as we're together, we'll never be alone.
No matter where we fly or we roam.
There's nothing quite like home.
Ohh, there's nothing quite like home. ohh.

Elbone's off to fish or try something new today.
Whatever it is, we'll end up rescuing him either way.
Magnus is up early with his newest device.
Probably planning something mmm... not so nice.
The thing I love about this crazy town
Is having all my friends (and Magnus) around.

Exploring's so exciting.
Rescuing is the best.
But it is also kind of nice to be back in my nest.
As long as we're together, we'll never be alone.
No matter where we fly or we roam.
There's nothing quite like home.
Ohh, there's nothing quite like home.


Hello Huttsgalor.
The town that I adore.

Exploring's so exciting.
Rescuing is the best.
But now it's time to sing to save my nest.

The sun is shining.
The sky is so bright

(Lyrics obscured by dialogue)


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Site Navigation[]

Songs ("Dragons: Rescue Riders: Secrets of the Songwing")
You Can't Beat Melodia's Sound
