How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

"No, Garff, No!" is a song performed by the twins when they tried to stop Garffiljorg from eating Chicken, in the episode "Tone Death". Ruffnut sings it again in "No Dragon Left Behind" when a now grown Garffiljorg tries to eat Smidvarg.


"Tone Death"[]

Tuffnut: No, Garff, no! You must not hurt Chicken! For Chicken is a friend, [who] will see you to the end!

Ruffnut: No, Garff, no! You cannot eat Tuff's chicken! Eating that bird will tear Tuffnut's heart apart.

Tuffnut: Why must you eat my pet? It’s the only one I'll get! Then all I'll do is fret, because we only just met! Something else that rhymes with met!

Ruffnut: But, how long, how long? How long can we keep this up? Can we keep this up? Keep this up?

[Chicken crows]

Tuffnut: (A few minutes later) I'm sick of rhyming with "met." (Starts saying incoherent gibberish with words like let in it.)

"No Dragon Left Behind"[]

Ruffnut No, Garff, no!

You cannot eat Smidvarg!

For he's our good friend

And we love him to the eh... (Ruff gets cut off before she can finish the word "end")

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