Mysterious Marshlands, also known as Baneful Boglands, is a location that appears in the game Dragons: Titan Uprising.
The Mysterious Marshlands is composed of many small islands covered in swamp vegetation and large rocks. There is a small amount of fog which is floating at any time of the year over the islands.
Dragons: Titan Uprising[]
Mysterious Marshlands is the fifth main location of this game. Hiccup Haddock accompanies the player throughout the levels of this section. The sub-sections of Mysterious Marshlands are:
- Liar's Mire
- Wrecker's Bay
- The Haunted Marshes
- The Great West Ocean
- The Absent Ocean
- The Maddening Marshes
- The Isle of Vanaheim
The tenth main region the player visits is the Mysterious Marshlands, now called the "Baneful Boglands". The player visits some of the same locations, as well as new ones.
- Liar's Mire
- Wrecker's Bay
- The Haunted Marshes
- The Great West Ocean
- The Absent Ocean
- The Maddening Marshes
- The Sundering Wastes
- Glum's Pass
- Grimbeard's Despair
- The Madder Marshes
- Fenrir Fen
- Blighted Bog
- Badmist Mountains
- Windswept Ruins
- Restless Hallows
- Wild Viking Cliff
- Bog of the Loud Whisper
- Visithug Territory
- The Nameless Marshes
- The Northlands
- Cove of the Dawn
- The Isle of Vanaheim