How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Malestrum is a male Songwing that appears in School of Dragons.


Snotlout's Music Band[]

During the Friendship Festival, Snotlout decided to create his own music band. He secretly brought Malestrum to his Sentry Station. Unbeknownst to him, Malestrum had a Songmate, from which he was separated due to an incident involving Dragon Pepper. However, Hiccup berated Snotlout for hiding such a thing and took the female Songwing to the Sentry Station, where she and Malestrum reunited. The two dragons then flew off into the sky, much to Snotlout's disappointment.

Physical Appearance[]

Malestrum is light grey, with black and white highlights rather than the bright colours like most Songwings. He has dark purple patterns on his frill and wings.



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