- 'X' Dragon
- 20th Century Fox
- 404 Alex Not Found
- 404 Alex Not Found (transcript)
- AJ Kane
- A Grim Retreat
- A Grim Retreat (transcript)
- A Gruff Separation
- A Gruff Separation (transcript)
- A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons
- A Hero's Guide to Deadly Dragons (fictional)
- A Hole New World
- A Hole New World (transcript)
- A Journal for Heroes
- A Matter of Perspective
- A Matter of Perspective (transcript)
- A Tale of Two Dragons
- A Tale of Two Dragons (transcript)
- A Time to Skrill
- A Time to Skrill (transcript)
- A View to a Skrill, Part 1
- A View to a Skrill, Part 1 (transcript)
- A View to a Skrill, Part 2
- A View to a Skrill, Part 2 (transcript)
- A Warning to Emperors
- Abomibumble
- Ack
- Adelaide
- Adelaide Kane
- Aegir
- Aegir's Week
- Aegiswing
- Agatha
- Aggro
- Aggro / Biography
- Aggro / Quotes
- Agnar
- Agnut Thorston
- Aimee Garcia
- Al Nelson
- Al Rodrigo
- Albatross
- Albone
- Alex's Fire Suit
- Alex's Tablet
- Alex Gonzalez / Quotes
- Alex and Feathers' Relationship
- Alexandra Gonzalez
- Alexandra Gonzalez / Biography
- Alfonso the Not-As-Wise
- Alfred Molina
- Algae
- Algae Island
- Algarick Ogglebert
- All Islands Viking Sheep Festival
- Alligatiger
- Alligator (Books)
- Alligator (Franchise)
- Almond
- Almondine
- Alpha Dragon
- Alpha Gembreaker
- Alpha Shadow
- Alpha Skrill
- Alvin
- Alvin's Hatchet
- Alvin and the Outcasts
- Alvin and the Outcasts (transcript)
- Alvin the Treacherous (Books)
- Alvin the Treacherous (Franchise)
- Alvin the Treacherous (Franchise) / Quotes
- Alvinsmen
- Amber Slavelands
- Ambered Nadder
- America
- America Ferrera
- Amoeba
- Amos
- And You Are?
- And You Are? (transcript)
- Andre Robinson
- Andrée Vermeulen
- Andy Bialk
- Anemone
- Angel Fern
- Angela Baker
- Angela Baker / Quotes
- Angela Bartys
- Angelique Cabral
- Animal House
- Animal House (transcript)
- Ansson
- Anthony B. Willis
- Antiquarian Accumulator
- Anveil
- Apneatic Archechoke
- Appetite for Destruction
- Appetite for Destruction (transcript)
- Apple (Books)
- Apple (Franchise)
- Arcane Kulingbiter
- Arctic Rumblehorn
- Arctic Willow
- Ari Rubin
- Arick's Brother
- Arick Denson
- Armored Sheep
- Armorwing
- Armorwing Island
- Armory
- Arngrim Dammen
- Arno
- Arrogance, Innocence, and Patience
- Arrow-from-the-land-that-does-not-exist
- Arsenic Adderwing
- Art Brown
- Asfrid
- Asgard
- Asger
- Asgerd
- Ash Tree
- Ashbone Tundra
- Ashley Bornancin
- Ashley Jensen
- Ashley Liao
- Askari of Ashes
- Askeblad Island
- Astrid's Axe
- Astrid's Ballista
- Astrid's Betrothal Necklace
- Astrid's Dragon Scale Armor
- Astrid's Father
- Astrid's Hut
- Astrid's Improvised Weapons
- Astrid's Knives
- Astrid's Kransen
- Astrid's Mother
- Astrid's Old Axe
- Astrid's Theme
- Astrid's Training Dummy
- Astrid Hofferson
- Astrid Hofferson / Biography
- Astrid Hofferson / Films and Shorts / Quotes
- Astrid Hofferson / Quotes
- Astrid Hofferson / Race to the Edge / Quotes
- Astrid Hofferson / Riders and Defenders of Berk / Quotes
- Astrid and Heather's Relationship
- Astrid and Hiccup's Relationship
- Astrid and Hiccup's Relationship / Quotes
- Astrid and Stormfly's Relationship
- Atali
- Atali's Spear
- Atali / Quotes
- Auction Island
- Auroara
- Auroch King
- Auroma
- Aurum
- Aurvandil
- Aurvandil (mythology)
- Austin Kane
- Avalanche Range
- Awesome Viking Cave Club NorthEast
- Axe of Doom
- Axel Finke
- Axel Finke / Quotes
- Axel Skeptisson
- Axewing
- Axewing the Second
- Baa, Baa, Black Yak
- Baa Baa Black Sheep
- Babbley
- Baby Boombacks
- Baby Dragons
- Baby Dragons / Rescue Riders
- Baby Nadder
- Baby Ramblefang
- Baby Shriekscales
- Bad Egg
- Bad Egg (transcript)
- Bad Moon Rising
- Bad Moon Rising (transcript)
- Badbreath the Gruff
- Badger (Books)
- Badger (Franchise)
- Badmist Mountains
- Baggybum the Beerbelly
- Baited Breath
- Balder Bay
- Baldr's Table
- Baldreng
- Baldur
- Bam
- Bamboo
- Bandit
- Barbara the Barbarian
- Barbaric Archipelago (Books)
- Barbaric Archipelago (Franchise)
- Bard
- Barf and Belch
- Barf and Belch's Mate
- Barf and Belch's Offspring
- Barf and Belch / Biography
- Bargemine
- Barklethorn
- Barnacle (Books)
- Barnacle (Franchise)
- Barrel of Vine Tails
- Barrel of Vine Tails (transcript)
- Barrow Burrower
- Bashem (Books)
- Bashem (Franchise)
- Bashem Oiks
- Bashyball
- Basic Brown
- Basket Case
- Bat (Books)
- Bat (Franchise)
- Battlewhip
- Bay of the Broken Heart (Books)
- Bay of the Broken Heart (Franchise)
- Bayana
- Bayana's Silkspanners
- Beachcomber
- Bean (Books)
- Bean (Franchise)
- Bear (Books)
- Bear (Franchise)
- Bearcub
- Bearcub's Grandmother
- Bearhug
- Bearlegs
- Beaver
- Bedrock Bluffs
- Bedrock Terror
- Beet
- Beezelord
- Belchfast
- Belching Bog
- Belchy
- Bellowing Heights
- Bells of Frey
- Bellworthy
- Belly Flop
- Belly Flop (transcript)
- Beltane
- Belzium
- Benhose
- Berg Hoarsbrumble
- Berk's 400 Year Anniversary
- Berk Barn
- Berk Council
- Berk Dragon Training Academy
- Berk Forest
- Berk National Anthem
- Berk Satchel
- Berk Storehouse
- Berk Watch Medal
- Berk Wheel Tray
- Berk Winch
- Berk Zinc Bath
- Bernice
- Berry
- Berry-Wood Tree
- Berserk (Island)
- Berserk Tribe
- Berserker Bewilderbeast
- Berserker Guard
- Berserker Herald
- Berserker Island
- Berserker Ships
- Berserker Stables
- Berserker Tribe
- Berserker Weapons
- Berthel
- Berubble
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place
- Between a Rock and a Hard Place (transcript)
- Bewilderbeast
- Bifrost
- Big-Boobied Bertha
- Big Bertha
- Big Buff
- Big Drums
- Big Man on Berk
- Big Man on Berk (transcript)
- Big Snuff
- Big Spotted Gormless
- Bigjob
- Bing
- Bing! Bam! Boom!
- Bing! Bam! Boom! (transcript)
- Birch
- Birta the Bane
- Bisonarch
- Bitter Galeslash
- Bitterthorn Brig
- Bizarregoyle
- Bjarke the Bear
- Bjorn Boar
- Bjorn the Burning
- Black Bork Day
- Black Heart Bay (Books)
- Black Heart Bay (Franchise)
- Black Plague Friday
- Black Sheep
- Black Star
- Blacksmith Bay
- Blacksmith Shop
- Blacksmith Shop (New Berk)
- Blawberry
- Blazewing
- Blazing Phoenixfire
- Blazo
- Blighted Bog
- Blindsided
- Blindsided (transcript)
- Blistering Belcher
- Blizzard of Olaf
- Blood Briar Island
- Blood Feuds
- Bloodspilt Bay (Books)
- Bloodspilt Bay (Franchise)
- Bloodtooth Blain
- Bloody Crocoraptor
- Blooming Boo
- Bloomsang
- Blossoming Bumbershoot
- Blubberwing
- Bludcrest
- Bludgeon Knapper
- Blue Oleander
- Blushing Bloomtender
- Boar Pit
- Boarcharger
- Boarhead Island
- Boast-Roaster
- Bob
- Bob's Wife
- Bobbley
- Bog-Blight
- Bog-Burglar Islands
- Bog-Burglar National Anthem
- Bog-Burglar Tribe (Books)
- Bog-Burglar Tribe (Franchise)