Knowledge Adventure, Inc. is a educational software designer based in Los Angeles. Knowledge Adventure partnered with DreamWorks Animation to produce the virtual game School of Dragons, which was inspired by How to Train Your Dragon.
Knowledge Adventure began in 1991 with the Blaster series of educational software, of which Math Blasters is the most well-known. The Blaster game series was originally developed by Davidson and Associates in the 1980's. The two companies later merged and in 1998, the Davidson and Associates name was retired and became known only as Knowledge Adventure.
Knowledge Adventure published educational software for JumpStart in 1994, but acquired the company in 1995. Both the JumpStart and Blasters brands became Knowledge Adventure's most well known properties. Up until 2017, Knowledge Adventure has been owned by various companies such as Vivendi. Beginning in 2017, the company is owned by NetDragon Websoft, a Chinese game publishing company who is expanding their repertoire into educational games.
Knowledge Adventure on Wikipedia
Davidson & Associates on Wikipedia
Companies related to DreamWorks Dragons and How to Train Your Dragon Books | ||||||||||||||||||||||||