How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Juicy Joltjabber is a Skrillknapper that appears in the game Dragons: Rise of Berk.

Official Description[]

Rising at the crack of dawn, this young dragon hurtles into the sky, brimming with energy, his wings flapping like thunder. He's a living battery powered by his diet of citrus fruits. He loves being alive, staying active, and brightening the day of everyone he meets - a real spark of sunshine.
  Dragons: Rise of Berk  

Physical Appearance[]

Juicy Joltjabber is light orange, with bright yellow eyes. He has lighter spots on his wings.




Juicy Joltjabber uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Rise of Berk Wiki page Juicy Joltjabber. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). ROBWiki Logo

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