In the Dragons: Defenders of Berk episode "A View to a Skrill, Part 2", Tuffnut infiltrates on Outcast Island, but is quickly interrogated by Dagur. To save face, Tuff quickly lies that he was composing a song in honor of the allegiance between the Berserkers and Outcasts. Thus he manages to come up with the song on the spot.
In the Dragons: Race to the Edge episodes "Big Man on Berk", "Dire Straits" and "Twintuition", Tuffnut sings the song again, though a shortened version of it.
Dragons: Defenders of Berk[]
Hooligan tribe,
Won't you come out tonight
Come out tonight, come out tonight
Hooligan tribe, won't you come out tonight
Or die by the light of the moon.
Oh, by the light of the moon
Oh, by the light of the moon
Remember to use your fork and your knife
And also use your spoon.
Dragons: Race to the Edge[]
Hooligan tribe,
Won't you come out tonight
Come out tonight, come out tonight
Hooligan tribe,
Won't you come out tonight
Come out tonight, come out tonight
These lyrics and tune appear to be based on an American folk song called "Buffalo Gals". It is also a very simple straight forward song, only adding one more line than what Tuffnut sings.