How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
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Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

Hiccup's Ballad is a song in "Tone Death" that Hiccup sang to please Garffiljorg, a baby Death Song. The song is a reminisce of the events of the first movie

Lyrics []

“Come listen my young dragon friend, and I will tell a tale

Of days when Vikings feared the sound of monsters’ distant wail

For was a time not long ago, when wars were bravely fought

Against a foe we feared before a lesson we were taught

That night of fury one did dare to set aside his dread,

And place his hand upon a winged villain’s gentle head

Now time has past, and what was once our cursed enemy,

Now carries us to battle against our threat across the sea”

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