How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Gludge is a male Sea Gronckle and a recurring character[1] appearing in the children's television series, Dragons: Rescue Riders. He appeared in Season 2.


Swallowing Elbone and Summer[]

In "Belly Flop", Gludge accidentally swallowed Elbone along with a school of ice tail pike. When the Rescue Riders tried to convince him to release their friend from his mouth, Gludge refused, believing that the Rescue Riders were trying to steal his fish. After several failed attempts, one of which caused Summer to also be swallowed by Gludge, he was eventually coaxed into eating Dak's Seven Spice Seafood Surprise fish wraps, which made the Sea Gronckle sick enough to hurl the fish, Elbone and Summer out of his mouth. Gludge then departed back into the sea, remarking that whoever had made the fish wraps was a terrible cook.

Dispute over Fishing Spot[]

When the Rescue Riders entered the fishing spot, Gludge appeared and he mentioned that that is his spot. Later as Elbone's House Boat came, Gludge stole Elbone and Albone's food and ate it. He attempts to destroy the boat, but thanks to the Rescue Riders, they are saved.

Physical Appearance[]

Gludge is an enormous dragon, with a sea green hide and a pale yellow underbelly. He has pink horizontal stripes on his nose and back, as well as brown bumps. He has hundreds of barnacles attached to him, mostly on his jaw.


Gludge is a very lazy and very stubborn dragon. He isn't very bright, but considers himself to be smart. He can easily be impressed by other dragons' tricks, which can distract him from eating.



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