How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
This is a gallery page for screenshots from Dragons: Rescue Riders: Secrets of the Songwing. Feel free to add related images. Please do NOT add fan art.

Nothing Quite Like Home[]

Leyla covers up that she can sing[]

Aggro follows Laburn and Cinda to an island[]

Heading to find Aggro and finding her[]

Being led to Melodia[]

Sing With Me[]

Figuring out what to do and Leyla and Dak talking to Melodia[]

Three failed plans[]

Get the dragons away from Melodia's island[]

The still hypnotized dragons singing for Melodia to come find them[]

Hypnotizing Huttsgalor[]

Coming up with a new plan and that plan failing[]

Grumblegard picking up the baby shriekscales, and Dak and the others trying to help Leyla get the courage to sing[]

I Told You So[]