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How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

The Frozen Isle of Nowhere is one of the islands located in the Barbaric Archipelago.


The Frozen Isle of Nowhere is located in the northern part of the Archipelago and is one of the outermost islands in this direction. Adjacent from the west is the Moving Islands of Ice. Adjacent from the south lies the Visithug Territory, and blows the Winter Wind of Woden. To the east lies Nothing.


The Frozen Isle of Nowhere is probably covered with ice and snow throughout the entire year, due to its geographical location. The southeast section contains ice gorges and fjords.


The island is most likely the home of the mentioned tribe, the Nowhere Men, who are said to be head-loppers (one who decapitates/beheads/cuts off the head of someone as a form of execution like a guillotine) according to Hiccup's Windwalker in How to Seize a Dragon's Jewel.


  • Because of the geographical location and weather, it can only be assumed that the Nowhere Men wear long sleeved and long legging clothing along with caps and pointed fur hats.


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