Originally discovered by Bork the Bold, this cavernous island contains the Fireworm Queen and her highly flammable hive of Firecomb. The dragon riders successfully navigated their way here by following a lantern filled with Fireworms, which glowed brighter as they neared the nest.
This island may seem calm from above, but step inside one of it's many caves and you'll see that it's buzzing! Holding the cure for burnt-out dragons, the hanging firecombs make it look more like a beehive than a cave.
At some point, this island was discovered and explored by Bork the Bold when he was studying the Fireworms, giving them the name the "Flame Eaters".
When Snotlout's dragon, Hookfang, lost his ability to flame up in "Race to Fireworm Island", he was taken to the island for a cure. Hiccup, Toothless, and Snotlout went inside the island's cave. There, they saw a hive full of Fireworms and made of Firecomb which had the gel that gave fireworms their heat. Snotlout attempted to take one of the fire-combs but was confronted by the Fireworm Queen.
Three years after the end of First Berserker War, the Fireworm Queen's nest came under attack by a Cavern Crasher. She flew off to ask the Dragon Riders' help, particularly Snotlout, in chasing the intruder away, and they succeeded in doing so.
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