How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Gauntlet Events are periodically-released player fighting activities in the game, Dragons: Rise of Berk. There are small adventures and stories associated with each one, involving one or more characters from the films and TV series.

NOTE: Starting with Incident: Draftee Development, Gauntlets started to recycle dialogue from the previous 12 events. Due to this, not all Gauntlets are listed on this page, in order to avoid repetition.


In Dragons: Rise of Berk, the Hooligans train and fight dragons against each other for rewards. This is called "Brawling". As a player, a selection if three dragons is pitted against another player's three dragons. Trophies and resource rewards are earned. There are different settings, each with a few cheering Vikings and other dragons.

The Gauntlet events are modified from the Brawl to fit a storyline and the player goes against a series of pre-determined dragons to earn rewards and obtain an ultimate reward, typically a dragon egg or a resource. There are several small 'boss' battles along the way, and a final 'big boss' battle.


Berk Brawler Initiation[]


Featured Opponent: Spikeback
Reward: Knocks Egg
Release Date: Summer 2017

This first Gauntlet event introduces the "Berk Brawlers", a group of dragon riders from by Hiccup to help protect Berk.

The Berk Brawlers! Berk's very own Dragon Riding Guard! You'll protect Berk against threats like wild Dragons and Hunters ... And the Twins ...We've set up a Gauntlet of Riders to test your skills, determination, and Dragon communication! A special prize waits those who succeed.
  — Hiccup in Dragons: Rise of Berk  

Each of the Dragon Riders pits their dragons against the player's dragons to test their fitness for joining the Berk Brawlers.

Between a Mother and Her Eggs[]


Featured Opponent: Hunterbolt
Reward: Skrill Egg
Release Date: Early September 2017

Alright, Brawler, I need your help with an urgent mission. The Twins bought a singing Skrill off a merchant in the Northern Markets. They want to start a band. With a Skrill. Let's just get this egg back to its nest.
  — Fishlegs  

Tracking down where the Skrill egg belongs leads the player and Dragon Riders to discover connections with the Dragon Hunters.

Dragon Root Mayhem[]


Featured Opponent: Death Ride
Reward: Wavewight Egg
Release Date: Late September 2017

The Riders find more of the same Dragon Hunter crates like the one that held the "singing Skrill" egg from the last Gauntlet event. Only these crates are part of a smoldering Dragon Hunter shipwreck near Dragonscale Cliff. There are also crates of Dragon Root that is leaking and making the wild dragons crazed, which the player needs to fight.

Astrid: "Alright Brawler, we've got a situation. Ready your Dragon, and make sure they are CALM."
Hiccup: "Dragon Root was found near Dragonscale Cliff. Thankfully none of our Dragons came into contact with it."
  Dragons: Rise of Berk  
Fishlegs: "And those are the crates I saw when I returned the Skrill egg! Looks like that broken one is leaking ... Dragon Root!"
Hiccup: "There're chunks of Dragon Root all over. Looks like the Hunters got more than they bargained for."
  Dragons: Rise of Berk  

At first Hiccup suspects Viggo is involved, but later decides "Viggo isn't a prankster". All the player and Riders can do at that point is train for the next incident.

Rush to Rescue Chicken[]


Featured Opponent: Icebane
Reward: Cockatrice Egg
Release Date: October 26, 2017 - November 7, 2017

Chicken has disappeared, and Tuffnut gets the player and Astrid involved in the search. It is around Dreadfall and Astrid wonders "is there something about Dreadfall that affects wild Dragons?" The play must fight wild dragons while out searching for Chicken. Ultimately Chicken shows up with a strange chicken friend - Cockatrice.

Can we please discuss the creepy-Scourge-of-Odin looking chicken that seems to be following YOURS around?
  — Snotlout  

Maces, Talons, and Muzzles[]


Featured Opponent: Trancemare
Reward: Firescrapes Egg
Release Date: November 14, 2017 - December 2, 2017

The Riders and the player come across "feral" dragons that are very agitated. The player must fight them. Eventually the Dragon Hunter crates and dragon root lead to none other than Drago himself. He admits he is behind the angry attacking wild dragons.

Enjoying the Dragons? You were very right, boy; chains are so barbaric. Dragon Root distillation has given me an army of Dragons, which of course - you can't hardly bring yourself to attack.
  — Drago  

To top that off, Drago also poisons Ruffnut's Trancemare, which the player has to fight. It is then taken to Berk for treatment and the player receives an egg.

Bork's Treasure Adventure[]


Featured Opponent: Reignstorm
Reward: Amber resource
Release Date: December 14, 2017 - January 3, 2018

As a Snoggletog gift, Johann gives Hiccup a map to the treasure of Bork the Bold, and tells Astrid about it. Much to his surprise, she wants just she and Hiccup to go on an adventure together to find the treasure.

Look to the West from the finger of Berk,
The first of your clues in flames does lurk
  — First clue  

The first clue leads the pair to a tall mountain on the West of Berk, from which they see Dragon Island in flames in the distance. Along the way they encounter Dragon Root drugged dragons that must be fought. Once they arrive on Dragon Island, they see a rock with the letter "B" on it and the next clue.

The Wraith watches over the path in the cold,
And under the ice a hint for the Bold.
  — Second clue  

The second clue takes Hiccup and Astrid to Glacier Island, where they see a rock in the shape of a "B". Toothless melts the ice underneath it and reveals the third clue.

Your journey for treasure us certainly real,
Go to the place where Dragons can heal.
  — Third clue  

Hiccup deduces the third clue is speaking of Valka's Sanctuary. There they meet Krogan, who boasts of improving the Dragon Root distillation, then sends dragons at them to fight. He wishes Hiccup a Happy Snoggletog and disappears.

Happy Snoggletog, as they would say. Until next time ... Dragon Master.
  — Krogan  

After he leaves, Astrid and Hiccup realize that a Dragon Hunter ship looks "shiny". This is from a dusting of refined Death Song amber.

The Morning After[]


Featured Opponent: Gustnudger
Reward: Sparklestank Egg
Release Date: January 10 - 19, 2018

Alright, I'll give it to you straight. Everyone may have over-celebrated the season this year.
  — Gobber  

After the festivities of Snoggletog, Gobber puts the player to work cleaning up the mess and chasing away "feral" dragons. He finds a Gobsucker egg and gives it to the player.

Berk at Work[]


Featured Opponent: Axewing
Reward: Amber resource
Release Date: January 27 - 31, 2018

Gobber appears again and puts the player to work check "all the outposts and islands." The player encounters "feral" dragons to fight.

Incident: Recruit Training[]


Featured Opponent: Spikeback
Reward: Irongaze Egg
Release Date: February 10 - 19, 2018

Hiccup asked us to train the new Brawlers, but we're more a supervisory role. We know you're up to the task
  — Twins  

The Twins have been instructed to train new recruits, but skip out on the duty and rely on the player to do so. The player fight dragons to train new Brawlers, receiving Irongaze as a thank you gift from the twins.

That was Awesome! Supervision RULES! Here's your cut of the bets I most certainly did not place.
  — Twins  

Crisis: Dragon Root Growth[]


Featured Opponent: Reignstorm
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: February 27, 2018 - March 13, 2018

Dragon Root has popped out again! We need to clear it out before more dragons get hurt.
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs finds more Dragon Root growing on the Isle of Berk, and relies on the player to subdue all the effected dragons. The player does this by fighting them.

Great work, Brawler! You're no Brawler, you're a Lover!
  — Fishlegs  

Drill: Patrol Pursuit[]


Featured Opponent: Trancemare
Reward: Cavern Crasher Egg
Release Date: March 19, 2018 - March 24, 2018

Alright Brawler, ready for a real mission? Handle the patrolling Hunters and their Dragons.
  — Astrid  

Astrid gives the player a mission to defeat some Dragon Hunters and Dragon Root infected dragons. The hunters are not seen and instead battles a few feral dragons. Astrid then gives the player a Cavern Crasher egg, thanking him/her for the help.

Not bad. Try not to hurt their dragons too much next time, ok?
  — Astrid  

Incident: Dragon Snatching[]


Featured Opponent: Axewing
Reward: Polished Amber Resource
Release Date: March 30, 2018 - April 10, 2018

I've been informed the Hunters were trying to capture young Dragons in their Sanctuary, I need you up there now.
  — Hiccup  

When Dragon Hunters go to Valka's Sanctuary to capture juvenile dragons, Hiccup seeks out the player's help in stopping them. The player then battles several dragons, which were supposedly enslaved by the Hunters. After defeating all of them, Hiccup congratulates the player for protecting an entire generation and gives him/her polished amber as a recompense.

Well done, Brawler. That's a whole generation of Dragons you just protected.
  — Hiccup  

Crisis: Trader Protection[]


Featured Opponent: Icebane
Reward: Spring's Shadow Egg
Release Date: April 16, 2018 - April 30, 2018

The player is tasked to guard an unnamed trader's ship by the Twins. In actuality the Twins were supposed to do this job, but they pawn it off on the player.

Hiccup needs us to guard this Trading boat, but uh ... we're busy. You got this, right?
  — Twins  

The player fights off many dragons. It is never specified why they are attacking the trader's ship. In the end, the player receives a Small Shadow egg, which was also the cargo.

And another job well done. Here have this. I know! It looks exactly like the shipment you protected, crazy right?
  — Twins  

It is not revealed why a trading ship was carrying a dragon egg.

Drill: Berk Census[]


Featured Opponent: Death Ride
Reward: Junior Tuffnut Junior Egg
Release Date: May 9, 2018 - May 13, 2018

We need another Berk census! Seriously, these are important. Try to be gentle on the wild Dragons, ok?
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs gives the player the job of counting the wild dragons of Berk for a census. While the player does so, he/she needs to fight the dragons in the Brawl mode. At the end, the player receives from Fishlegs a Gronckle egg as a recompense for the time spent fighting dragons.

This data is crucial to Berk! No, seriously! Here's something of equal value for your time, Brawler.
  — Fishlegs  

Incident: Edge Supply Run[]


Featured Opponent: Gustnudger
Reward: Polished Amber Resource
Release Date: May 19, 2018 - May 28, 2018

We need these at Dragon's Edge, but the route's guarded. You up to the challenge, Brawler?
  — Astrid  

Astrid gives the player the task to deliver some supplies to Dragon's Edge, warning him/her of the wild dragons along the way. The player then has to fight several wild dragons until he/she arrives at the Edge. There, Astrid congratulates the player and offers him/her polished amber as a reward for helping out.

Good work, we need to keep supplies up on the Edge. Here, something for you.
  — Astrid  

Crisis: Hunter Ambush[]


Featured Opponent: Spikeback
Reward: Stonewall Egg
Release Date: June 4, 2018 - June , 2018

Hunters are spread across the archipelago, let's hit them fast and disrupt their plans!
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup decides to preemptively attack Dragon Hunters around the Archipelago. The player then battles dragons and acquires loot such as card packs and amber. At completion Hiccup give the player a Thunderpede egg - Stonewall.

You're serving a critical role to the Brawlers, you've earned your place here, and this reward!
  — Hiccup  

Drill: Berk Guard[]


Featured Opponent: Eclipser
Reward: Singetail Egg
Release Date: June 27, 2018 - July 1, 2018

You know the Drill, Brawler: Hiccup wants us on Guard, so we're making you. No, this is not optional.
  — The twins  

Hiccup puts Ruffnut and Tuffnut in charge of guarding Berk, but they pass the duty to the player, just like they did before. The player then has to fight several wild dragons that are attacking Berk, in order to protect the island. At the end, the twins are surprised that the player managed to complete the job and give him/her a Singetail egg, assuring that they didn't steal it.

Oh wow, you actually did it! I mean, of course you did. Here, take this. It's definitely not stolen.
  — The twins  

Incident: Ingredient Hunt[]


Featured Opponent: Icebane
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: July 6, 2018 - July 16, 2018

Brawler! I need your help again. We need to restock on ingredients, both for Vikings and Dragons.
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs sends the player out on a mission to collect supplies. At the end, he congratulates the player, jokingly saying that the resources are enough until the twins' next mischief.

Nice work! These should last until the next time the Twins destroy something.
  — Fishlegs  

Crisis: Hunter Sabotage[]


Featured Opponent: Defender Rumblehorn
Reward: Aurvandil Egg
Release Date: July 21, 2018 - August

Brawler! Hunters have set feral dragons on us and tried to escape. Let's show them how Berk flies! [src]
  — Astrid  

When several Dragon Huntets try to escape from Berk, they send wild dragons against the Dragon Riders to buy themselves time. Astrid tasks the player with getting past the dragons and recapture the hunters. After the player does so, Astrid congratulates him/her and gives the player a Thunderclaw egg, specifically Aurvandil.

Nice flying, Brawler. Doesn't matter how far they run, we'll go further. [src]
  — Astrid  

Drill: Scout Scatter[]


Featured Opponent: Fangmaster
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: August 13, 2018 - August 19, 2018

Hey Brawler, we've got a situation. Viggo's hunters are scouting up north, what do you say we scare them off?
  — Hiccup  

When Hiccup notices Dragon Hunters moving north, he asks the player for help in fighting them. The player then has to battle several wild dragons. At the end, Hiccup express his concern over the captured dragons, hoping to free them in the future. He then gives the player polished amber as a reward of winning the battles.

Way to go! Let's just hope we can free those poor Dragons one day. Here, take this, you earned it.
  — Hiccup  

Incident: Draftee Development[]


Featured Opponent: Hunterbolt
Reward: Triple Stryke Egg
Release Date: August 24, 2018 - September 3, 2018

Hiccup asked us to train the new Brawlers, but we're more a supervisory role. We know you're up to the task
  — Twins  

Yet again, the Twins pawn off their chores onto the player, rewarding him/her with a Triple Stryke egg at the end.

That was AWEsome! Supervision RULES! Here's your cut of the bets I most certainly did not place.
  — Twins  

Crisis: Dragon Root Risk[]


Featured Opponent: Eclipser
Reward: Belchfast Egg
Release Date: September 8, 2018 - September 23, 2018

Dragon Root has popped out again! We need to clear it out before more dragons get hurt.
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs warns the player about a new Dragon Root growing on Berk, and asks the player for help in removing it. While doing this, the player has to fight wild dragons affected by Dragon Root. At the end, Fishlegs congratulates the player and gives him/her a Submaripper egg as a reward.

Great work, Brawler! You're no Brawler, you're a Lover! That sounded much better in my head.
  — Fishlegs  

Drill: Hunter Repel[]


Featured Opponent: Reignstorm
Reward: Wavewight Egg
Release Date: September 29, 2018 - October

We need these at Dragon's Edge, but the route's guarded. You up to the challenge, Brawler?
  — Astrid  

Astrid again asks the player to deliver some unspecified supplies to Dragon's Edge. The player must fight dragons to reach the goal. After completion, Astrid gives the player a dragon egg.

Good work, we need to keep supplies up on the Edge. Here, something for you.
  — Astrid  

Incident: Tiny Tooth Trouble[]


Featured Opponent: Spikeback
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: October 9, 2018 - October 22, 2018

I've been informed the Hunters are trying to capture young Dragons in their Sanctuary, I need you up there now.
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup sends the player to the 'Sanctuary' to defend baby dragons. The player must fight other dragons with their own dragons to defeat the Dragon Hunters.

Well done, Brawler. That's a whole generation of Dragons you just protected.
  — Hiccup  

Crisis: Merchant Insurance[]


Featured Opponent: Hunterbolt
Reward: Heel & Brak Egg
Release Date: October 26, 2018 - November 9, 2018

Hiccup needs us to guard this Trading boat, but uh... we're busy. You got this, right?
  — Twins  

The twins have a mission from Hiccup, to protect a trading boat from wild dragons. However, the pass it to the player, saying that they are "busy". After the.player finishes the job, the twins give him/her a Hideous Zippleback egg as a reward, which was actually from the trading boat.

And another job well done. Here have this. I know! It looks exactly like the shipment you protected, crazy right?
  — Twins  

Drill: Dragon Demographics[]


Featured Opponent: Axewing
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: November 16, 2018 - November 20, 2018

We need these at Dragon's Edge, but the route's guarded. You up to the challenge, Brawler?
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs tasks the player delivering supplies to Dragon's Edge, warning him/her of the threats on the way. At the end, Fishlegs congratulates the player, giving him/her a card pack.

This data is crucial to Berk! No, seriously! Here's something of equal value for your time, Brawler.
  — Fishlegs  

Incident: Dragon's Edge Restock[]


Featured Opponent: Flystorm
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: November 30, 2018 - December 11, 2018

We need these at Dragon's Edge, but the route's guarded. You up to the challenge, Brawler?
  — Astrid  

Astrid tasks the player with delivering supplies to Dragon's Edge, challenging him/her to succeed. The player fight several wild dragons along the way and is rewarded with a Card Pack at the end.

Good work, we need to keep supplies up on the Edge. Here, something for you.
  — Astrid  

Crisis: Hunter Ambush[]


Featured Opponent: Axewing
Reward: Amber Resource
Release Date: December 16, 2018 - December 24, 2018

Hunters are spread across the archipelago, let's hit them fast and disrupt their plans!
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup asked the player to attack Dragon Hunters across the Archipelago. This spontaneous decision is somewhat uncharacteristic of Hiccup, who usually plans attacks. The player battles dragons who are presumably under the control of the Hunters. At the end, Hiccup congratulates the player and gives him/her some polished amber.

You're serving a critical role to the brawlers, you've earned your place here, and this reward.
  — Hiccup  

Crisis: Preemptive Pounding[]


Featured Opponent: Icebane
Reward: Bonnefire Egg
Release Date: December 28, 2018 - January 13, 2019

Hunters are spread across the archipelago, let's hit them fast and disrupt their plans!
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup asked the Brawler recruit (the player) to attack Dragon Hunter outposts and neutralize their threat before they have a chance to cause any mayhem. The player fights with various dragons presumably under the control of the Hunters. For the player's good work, Hiccup gives the player a dragon egg.

You're serving a critical role to the Brawlers, you've earned your place here, and this reward!
  — Hiccup  

Drill: Twin Duty[]


Featured Opponent: Hunterbolt
Reward: Dramillion Egg
Release Date: January 19, 2019 - January 27, 2019

You know the Drill, Brawler: Hiccup wants us on Guard, so we're making you. No, this is not optional
  — Twins  

The Twins yet again pawn off their duties to the player. The player fights successive waves of dragons. In the end, the Twins give the player a dragon egg.

Incident: Foraging Fun[]

ROB-Gauntlet 1-31-19

Featured Opponent: Reignstorm
Reward: Token Pack
Release Date: January 31, 2019 - February 10, 2019

Brawler! I need your help again. We need to restock on ingredients, both for Vikings and Dragons
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs asks the player to find supplies of various kind in order to restock.

Drill: Dragon Rider Discipline[]


Featured Opponent: Death Ride
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: February 10, 2019 - February 17, 2019

Hiccup asked us to train the new Brawlers, but we're more a supervisory role. We know you're up to the task
  — Twins  

In keeping with their typical behavior, the Twins order the player to do their duties - in this case training new Dragon Riders who joined the Berk Brawlers.

Crisis: Dragon Hunter Disruption[]


Featured Opponent: Defender Stormcutter
Reward: Rosethorn
Release Date: February 17, 2019 - March 4, 2019

Brawler! Hunters have set feral Dragons on us and tried to escape. Let's show them how Berk flies!
  — Astrid  

Dragon Hunters attack the Dragon Riders. They retaliate by sending the player after them and attacking. After completion, Astrid gifts the egg of the Triple Stryke, Rosethorn, to the player.

Nice flying, Brawler. Doesn't matter how far they run, we'll go further. Here, for you.
  — Astrid  

Drill: Flight Patrol[]


Featured Opponent: Trancemare
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: March 1, 2019 - March 8, 2019

Yet again in a short amount of time, the Twins force the player to do their work. This time it is for guard duty.

You know the drill Brawler: Hiccup wants us on Guard, so we're making you. No, this is not optional.
  — Twins  

Dragon Hunter Disband[]

Featured Opponent:
Release Date: March 12, 2019 - March 17, 2019

This Gauntlet Event appeared to be glitched and included dialogue and rewards from a previous Event.

Incident: Edge Supply Run[]


Featured Opponent: Spikeback
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: March 21, 2019 - March 2019

Alright Brawler, ready for a real mission? Handle the patrolling Hunters and their Dragons.
  — Astrid  

Astrid instructs the player to attack the Dragon Hunters and their enslaved dragons.

Crisis: Shock n' Knock[]


Featured Opponent: Wonderclap
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: April 5, 2019 - April 2019

Dragon Root has popped up again! We need to clear it out before more Dragons get hurt.
  — Fishlegs  

Dragon Root is growing in a dragon-populated area and Fishlegs tasks the player with destroying it before it effects the dragons.

Drill: Patrol Pursuit[]


Featured Opponent: Flaredawn
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: April 24, 2019 - April 29, 2019

Hey Brawler, we've got a situation. Viggo's hunters are scouting up north, what do you say we scare them off?
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup sends the player to go confront Dragon Hunters allied with Viggo is a Northern location in order to deter them.

Bright Might[]


Featured Opponent:
Reward: Night Light #1 Egg OR Belchfast Release Date: May 1, 2019 - May 16, 2019

We've found what might be the first Night Fury breeding ground! Let's go check it out.
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup believes he may have found more Night Furies, and leads the player to an undisclosed area. However, the player fights off a multitude of crazed dragons.

That was a lot of Dragons ... we should keep an eye on the situation. Good work today!
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup does not mention the Night Fury breeding ground again, and instead the player is rewarded with a Night Light egg.

Incident: Capture the Captor[]


Featured Opponent: Dagur's Skrill
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: May 18, 2019 - May 27, 2019

I've been informed the Hunters are trying to capture young Dragons in their Sanctuary, I need you up there now.
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup sends the player after some Dragon Hunters who are attacking the safe place of juvenile dragons.

Incident: Go to the Great Beyond[]


Featured Opponent: Blawberry
Reward: Nibbles
Release Date: May 30, 2019 - June 10, 2019

We need these at Dragon's Edge, but the route's guarded. You up to the challenge, Brawler?
  — Astrid  

Yet again, Astrid asks the player to shuttle supplies to Dragon's Edge through dangerous territory. She gives the player a Terrible Terror egg as compensation.

Drill: Patrol Pursuit[]


Featured Opponent: Trancemare*
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: June 13, 2019 - June 17, 2019

Alright Brawler, ready for a real mission? Handle the patrolling Hunters and their Dragons.
  — Astrid  

Astrid orders the player to fight off dragons and Dragon Hunters. Afterwards she implies that the opponent dragons were injured by the player's aggression.

Not bad. Try not to hurt their Dragons too much next time, ok? Here's something for your efforts.
  — Astrid  

  • Flaredawn appears in the promotional image of this event. However, Trancemare is the actual 'Big Boss' opponent.

Crisis: Soaring Surprise[]


Featured Opponent: Triple Strype
Reward: Token Pack
Release Date: June 19, 2019 - July 4, 2019

Hunters are spread across the archipelago, let's hit them fast and disrupt their plans!
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup orders the player to attack Dragon Hunters around the Archipelago preemptively, before they can enact any plans they may have.

Drill: Aerial Lookout[]


Featured Opponent:
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: July 8, 2019 - July 12, 2019

You know the Drill, Brawler: Hiccup wants us on Guard, so we're making you. No, this is not optional.
  — The Twins  

Yet again, the Twins dump their duties on the player. As recompense, they give the player polished amber.

Oh wow, you actually did it! I mean, of course you did. Here, take this. It's definitely not stolen.
  — The Twins  

Incident: Elemental Elements[]


Featured Opponent: Spikeback
Reward: Token Pack
Release Date: July 18, 2019 - July 30, 2019

Brawler! I need your help again. We need to restock on ingredients, both for Vikings and Dragons.
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs asks the player for assistance gathering supplies for both Humans and Dragons. It is perilous, as multiple angry wild dragons attack the player.

Crisis: Dragon Hunter Disruption[]


Featured Opponent: Defender Rumblehorn
Reward: Moldruffle Egg
Release Date: August 1, 2019 - August 15, 2019

This section requires expansion.

Drill: Flight Patrol[]


Featured Opponent: Trancemare*
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: August 17, 2019 - August 22, 2019

Hiccup needs us to guard this Trading boat, but uh ... we're busy. You got this, right?
  — Twins  

The Twins shirk off their duties of guarding a trade ship onto the player. The player has to fight off wild dragons.

And another job well done. Here, have this. I know! It looks exactly like the shipment you protected, crazy right?
  — Twins  

  • Flaredawn appears in the promotional image of this event. However, Trancemare is the actual 'Big Boss' opponent.

Crisis: Clear Dragon Root[]


Featured Opponent: Hunterbolt
Reward: Scentinel Egg
Release Date: August 27, 2019 - September 11, 2019

This section requires expansion.

Drill: Aerial Lookout[]


Featured Opponent: Tuffnut's Death Ride
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: September 18, 2019 - September 23, 2019

You know the Drill, Brawler: Hiccup wants us on Guard, so we're making you. No, this is not optional.
  — The Twins  

Predictably, the Twin foist off their guarding duties on the player to do in their stead. They reward the player with polished amber.

Incident: Capture the Captor[]


Featured Opponent: Reignstorm
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: September 28, 2019 - October 5, 2019

I've been informed the Hunters are trying to capture young Dragons in their Sanctuary, I need you up there now.
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup assigns the player the task of scouting and protecting the news that Dragon Hunters may be attacking baby dragons in their nests. The player encounters many angry wild dragons while doing so.

Flight Patrol[]


Featured Opponent: Flaredawn
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: October 12, 2019 - October 15, 2019

Hiccup needs us to guard this Trading boat, but uh ... we're busy. You got this, right?
  — The Twins  

Ruffnut and Tuffnut give their guarding duties to the player. It is a trading vessel that needs protection. The Twins give the player polished amber as a reward.

Villainous Vandals[]


Featured Opponent:
Reward: Wrylite
Release Date: October 22, 2019 - November 4, 2019

Brawler! Hunters have set feral Dragons on us and tried to escape. Let's show them how Berk flies!
  — Astrid  

Dragon Hunters have angered dragons and sent them to attack the Dragon Riders, while they escape unscathed. Astrid, however, gets the player to help her fend off the dragons and capture the Hunters.

Incident: Trap the Trappers[]


Featured Opponent:
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: November 8, 2019 - November 19, 2019

I've been informed the Hunters are trying to capture young Dragons in their Sanctuary, I need you to go up there now.
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup tasks the player with saving baby dragons that the Dragon Hunters are harassing. The player encounters many angry dragons.

Drill: Fantastic Statistics[]


Featured Opponent: Undetermined
Reward: Polish Amber
Release Date: November 22, 2019 - December 3, 2019

We need another Berk census! Seriously, these are important. Try to be gentle on the wild Dragons. ok?
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs asks the player to help count dragons for a Berk census. His gentle nature shows when he asks the play to be easy with the wild dragons. He gives the player polished amber for the help.

This data is crucial to Berk! No, seriously! Here's something of equal value for your time, Brawler.
  — Fishlegs  

Crisis: Soaring Surprise[]


Featured Opponent: Eclipser
Reward: Sparkheart
Release Date: December 5, 2019 - December 22, 2019

Hunters are spread across the archipelago, let's hit them fast and disrupt their plans!
  — Hiccup  

Hiccup wants the player to help go on the offensive against the Dragon Hunters, which are spread all over the Barbaric Archipelago.

  • The Sparkheart dragon egg was changed as a prize to a Card Pack on December 9th and everyone was rewarded with a Sparkheart egg, due to undisclosed technical difficulties.



Featured Opponent: Undetermined
Reward: Polished Amber
Release Date: December 23, 2019 - December 28, 2019

Hiccup needs us to guard this Trading boat, but uh ... we're busy. You got this, right?
  — The Twins  

The Twins ask the player to guard a trading ship for them, and give the player polished amber in return.

Aerial Lookout[]


Featured Opponent: Undetermined
Reward: Token Card Pack
Release Date: January 2, 2020 - January 7, 2020

You know the drill, Brawler. Hiccup wants us on Guard, so we're making you. No, this is not optional.
  — The Twins  

The Twins shirk their patrolling duties once again and pawn it off on the player. The player ends up having to fend off angry dragons.

Incident: Capture the Captor[]


Featured Opponent: Dagur's Skrill
Reward: Card Pack
Release Date: January 13, 2020 - January 25, 2020

}}Quote|I've been informed that Hunters are trying to capture young Dragons in their Sanctuary, I need you up there now.|Hiccup}} Hiccup has received crucial information of Dragon Hunters attacking juvenile dragons in their nests. He tasks the player with quelling their antics.

Crisis: Dragon Root Growth[]


Featured Opponent: Reignstorm
Reward: Spring's Shadow
Release Date: February 2, 2020 - February 17, 2020

Dragon Root has popped up again! We need to clear it out before more Dragons get hurt.
  — Fishlegs  

Fishlegs notices Dragon Root growing near Berk and asks the player to help eradicate it. While doing so, the player fends off many crazed dragons.

Merchant Insurance[]


Featured Opponent: Trancemare
Reward: Freya's Flowers
Release Date: February 19, 2020 - February 25, 2020

Hiccup needs us to guard this Trading boat, but uh ... we're busy. You got this, right?
  — The Twins  

Ruffnut and Tuffnut have other plans when Hiccup orders them to guard a merchant ship. Instead, the Twins foist off their duty on the player. They give the players special flowers from the ship as recompense.

And another job well done. Here, have this. I know! It looks exactly like the shipment you protected, crazy right?
  — The Twins  


  • In "Bork's Treasure Adventure", Hiccup references "Death Song Amber". However, in Dragons: Rise of Berk, the Death Song was released as the name of an individual Slithersong.
  • In "Drill: Berk Census", Rumpus' egg appears on the event graphic, however, a purple Gronckle egg is the reward (Junior Tuffnut Jr.).
  • In "Incident: Ingredient Hunt", the in-game advertiser has a typo, showing "Incident: Edge Supply Run" as a title.


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