How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

You can make yourself invisible? Why does he get to do all the cool stuff. I just have to sit here with you as a sister. [src]

Fierce Zipplewraiths are a group of Zipplewraiths that appear in the game Dragons: Titan Uprising.

Official Description[]

Fierce Zipplewraiths hate themselves. It’s not their fault. They try. They really do. But they just can’t help it. If you had to spend 24/7 with nobody but yourself for company, you’d feel the same way. Throw them a fish, and watch the bickering begin. There’s only one stomach between them, but they’ll fight tooth and nail over who gets to taste it going down. Complement them, and they’ll fight over which one deserves the praise. Complement both of them, and they’ll assume you’re lying rather than admit you have a preference for one head over the other. One good thing about this, is that if you give them an order, they’ll always be trying to outdo themselves to complete it. Also, they are immune to insult, as they’ll always assume you meant the other one, and laugh along with you.
  Dragons: Titan Uprising  

Physical Appearance[]

Fierce Zipplewraiths are light blue with pale underbellies and white spots on their backs. Their horns and lobes are black, while their eyes are yellow.

In-game Statistics[]



Fierce Zipplewraith uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the Dragons Titan Uprising Wiki page Fierce Zipplewraith. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). Wiki-Wordmark-TU

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