How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Draugr are supernatural creatures appearing in Norse myth and folklore.


Draugr are often associated with ghosts, but unlike ghosts, are the reanimated bodies of the dead. They can be in various states of decay and produce a horrible stench. They reside in their burial mounds, but are able to leave the burial site and travel. This is different from another similar entity, the haugbui, which cannot leave the area immediately surrounding its burial place. They are very protective of the treasures they were buried with. They have an appetite for the flesh of livestock and humans, live or dead. Draugr also have the ability to shape-shift and can cause living humans and animals to go mad.



Dragons: Rise of Berk[]

Draugs are mentioned in the description for the Boneknapper Purlossein. This dragon steals so many bones that some people suspect draugr are around eating the corpses.

Dragons: Titan Uprising[]

Draugr are referred to in the biography for Dreadfall Glaivedriver, which describes the season of Dreadfall as so spooky and dark, that Draugr must be about during that time.



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