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How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Dak, Leyla and Duggard share a familial relationship, despite not being blood-related.

Dragons: Rescue Riders, Season 1[]

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"The Nest"

"Deep Trouble"

"Boo to You"

"Where There's Smoke"

"Heavy Metal"

"Iced Out"

"Home Alone"

"Slobber Power"

"Grumblegard, Part 1"

"Grumblegard, Part 2"

Dragons: Rescue Riders, Season 2[]

In "Double Finked", Duggard noticed a large crate arriving on the island, addressed to the Rescue Riders. He believed that Dak and Leyla could handle it, and it was nothing for him to worry about. Later, he met with the Rescue Riders in the forest. He asked Dak and Leyla what was inside the crate, and was excited to find out it was an egg.

In "Divewings", Duggard backed up Leyla and Dak when they were trying to convince Magnus to clean up after himself.

In "Mecha-Menace", Duggard appreciated Dak's help in bringing Haggis out into the light, so that he could see his shadow. Later, after the Rescue Riders saved Huttsgalor from Magnus' Mechano-Dragon, Duggard crowned Leyla as the Spring Queen of the Spring Festival. To compensate for the Luck Lanterns that had been destroyed by the Mechano-Dragon, Leyla and Dak organised a firework show for Duggard and the rest of the villagers.

In "Summer Holiday", Duggard gave Dak and Leyla permission to travel to an exotic island and take a break from their duties. He subsequently fell into a well, but was saved just in time by Dak and Winger.

In "Charged Up", Duggard revealed to Dak and Leyla a Haggis sculpture he had made, that no one else paid attention to. Leyla looked unconvinced at the chief, and Duggard revealed that he had a passion for sculpting. Later, Leyla saved Duggard from an out-of-control Mechano-Dragon and put him to safety.

In "Game of Horns", Duggard is nervous about playing the Game of Horns, which is a competition to see who will wear the Chiefly Helmet of Chiefdom and become the next chief of Huttsgalor, especially when Magnus and Elbone decide to play. At first, Magnus seems to be winning each round, with the help of Axel (who is assisting him because he is Magnus' family) and a newly built Mechano-Dragon. Leyla then comes up with an idea and asks Duggard to adopt her and her brother so that the Rescue Riders can help Duggard in the Game of Horns. Duggard immediately agrees stating that he's already considered Dak and Leyla part of his family anyway, adopting them would just make it official, and they hug.

Dragons: Rescue Riders: Huttsgalor Holiday[]

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Season 3[]

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"Oh, Brother"



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