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How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

The Cyclarion is a hybrid dragon first appearing in the game, Dragons: Titan Uprising. It is a cross between a Typhoomerang and a Rumblehorn.

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What game does the Cyclarion dragon first appear in? toggle section
The Cyclarion dragon first appears in the game 'Dragons: Titan Uprising'. It's a hybrid dragon that players can obtain by breeding a Typhoomerang and a Rumblehorn in the Breedery.
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What two dragon species is the Cyclarion a hybrid of? toggle section
The Cyclarion is a hybrid dragon, a cross between a Typhoomerang and a Rumblehorn.
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How does the Cyclarion dragon behave when interacting with other dragons? toggle section
Cyclarion dragons have a unique social behavior when interacting with other dragons. They often have difficulty fitting in socially with other dragon species. To cope with this, they've developed various behavioral responses, including avoiding other dragons altogether. Some even go to the extent of decorating themselves with mud and plant material in an attempt to gain positive attention. However, there are also individuals who display aggressive behavior to drive off other dragons and avoid social situations.
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What unique methods does the Cyclarion use to fit in socially? toggle section
The Cyclarion dragon has a unique way of trying to fit in socially with other dragons. One method is by avoiding other dragons altogether, a behavior seen in the Perennial Cyclarion. On the other hand, the Lavish Cyclarion goes to great lengths to fit in, even covering itself in intricate mud patterns and adorning itself with branches and leaves. However, these attempts often fall short, resembling more of a caricature than a convincing disguise.
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What does the Cyclarion do to avoid social situations with humans and other dragons? toggle section
Cyclarions have developed various behavioral responses to avoid social situations with humans and other dragons. These include avoiding other dragons, decorating themselves with mud and plant material to attract positive attention, and displaying aggressive behavior to drive off humans or dragons. They also use their camouflage ability to quietly observe those that catch their attention, and stay near to those they trust until they grow comfortable with the presence of others.
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Physical Appearance[]

Hatchling to Adult[]

The Cyclarion is a bulky bipedal dragon, inheriting the body of its Rumblehorn parent and the wings of its Typhoomerang parent. It has a large head with two thick horns on the sides of it. The Cyclarion has long thin claws on its legs and two thin curled claws on its wings. Its tail is the same as that of the Rumblehorn.

Titan Wing[]

Titan Wing Cyclarions are much larger is size, with its claws and spikes being longer and sharper. Their horns are now gigantic, about three times the size of their heads. Their teeth also grow much longer.



Inherited from its Rumblehorn parent, the Cyclarion is capable of shooting fiery rock "missiles" that explode upon impact.

Behavior and Personality[]

Cyclarions have difficulty fitting in socially with other dragon species and have developed various behavioral responses to this, including avoiding other dragons to decorating themselves with mud and plant material in attempt to curry positive attention. Some individuals will drive off humans or dragons with aggressive displays to avoid social situations.


Cyclarions require a firm hand in training, able to withstand aggressive displays and maintaining a confident friendliness. Sagefruit offerings also demonstrate desire to interact with the dragon and also helps with its calming effects. Cyclarions do seem to have a fondness for sweet foods such as fruits, but also pastries such as honeycakes.



Dragons: Titan Uprising[]

The Cyclarion was first introduced in this game, along with many other dragon hybrids. The only way a player can obtain a Cyclarion is by breeding a Typhoomerang and a Rumblehorn in the Breedery.


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