How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
Dawn of New Riders School of Dragons

My sister once created a powerful dragon - a Chimeragon - an amalgamation of several dragons. I have inherited her notes and - as the elder sister and the skilled one of our family - created something better. A better dragon. [src]
  Nikora Stormheart  

The Chimeragon is a large Mystery Class hybrid that first appeared in School of Dragons. It was created by Nikora Stormheart through scientific methods, combining genes of a Bewilderbeast and a Sentinel, among others.

Quick Answers

What class does the Chimeragon belong to in School of Dragons? toggle section
The Chimeragon in School of Dragons belongs to the Mystery Class.
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Who created the Chimeragon in School of Dragons? toggle section
The Chimeragon in School of Dragons was created by Nikora Stormheart. She used scientific methods to combine the genes of several dragons, including a Bewilderbeast and a Sentinel, to create this unique hybrid dragon.
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What two dragon species were combined to create the Chimeragon? toggle section
The Chimeragon, a hybrid dragon species in School of Dragons, was created by combining the genes of a Bewilderbeast and a Sentinel.
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What does a Chimeragon egg look like? toggle section
A Chimeragon egg, as seen in School of Dragons, is quite a sight to behold! It's fairly large, about half as tall as a human, and is generally ovoid with large scale-like coverings that match the colors of the dragon inside. The egg also has a unique feature - a pulsating blue glow that shines out from between the scales. When it hatches, it creates an explosion of ice, lightning, and fire all at once. Talk about a dramatic entrance!
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How big is a Chimeragon egg compared to a Viking? toggle section
A Chimeragon egg is quite large, about half the size of a Viking. It's a blue icy orb encased in multiple plates that resemble the scales of a Bewilderbeast, giving it a unique and striking appearance.
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Physical Appearance[]


A Chimeragon egg is a blue icy orb encased in multiple plates that resemble the scales of a Bewilderbeast. The egg is quite large, about half the size of a Viking.

Hatchling to Adult[]

The Chimeragon is a large, four-legged dragon, with a big head-to-body ratio and a long tail. It is covered in both small and long spikes resembling those of a Bewilderbeast. It has a large frill on its head, which is composed of smaller spikes that can move up and down. The Chimeragon has two tusk-like spikes, one on each side of its mouth, similar to a Bewilderbeast. Its wings are rather small for a dragon its size, but it is still capable of flight. It has two long fins on its tail, going from its base to the tip, which help the dragon swim. The Chimeragon has rock shaped plates on its legs and head, resembling those of a Sentinel.

Titan Wing[]

SoD Chimeragon Titan NBG

Upon reaching its Titan Wing stage, a Chimeragon greatly increases in size. Its tusk-like spikes are larger, with their tips bending outwards. It grows a nasal horn and spikes underneath its chin. Its tailfin becomes much wider and the fins on its legs lose their membrane, with only spikes remaining in their place.



The Chimeragon has multiple types of firepower, inherited from multiple species of dragons. An adult Chimeragon can breathe ice, lightning and fire.

Behavior and Personality[]

This type of Chimeragon is said to be much more aggressive than the one created by Eir Stormheart. Nikora Stormheart also describes it as "noble". When a Chimeragon and its rider are bonded, the Chimeragon will be fiercely loyal to its rider.


This Chimeragon is a difficult dragon to train due to its aggressive nature. The only way to train it is to do so immediately after it hatches. Another way to train it is to show the Chimeragon respect and approach it slowly, then it'll let you bond with it.



School of Dragons[]

The Chimeragon was introduced in this game during the 2020 Snoggletog event. A player can obtain a Chimeragon by collecting 17,000 cookies through various mini-games.


  • According to Stormhart, this Chimeragon "was difficult to create" and implied it took great investment. She does not divulge to what end she created it.



Chimeragon (School of Dragons) uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki page Chimeragon. The list of authors can be found on the page revision history (view authors). SODWikiLogo

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