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Cattle are livestock mentioned occasionally in the How to Train Your Dragon Book series.

To Note: There is no proper singular term for 'Cattle'. Cattle are commonly referred to as a 'Cow' or 'Cows', but this term is actually referring to a female bovine and females of other species as well, such as the elephant.


Cattle (Bos taurus) are livestock that have been domesticated over 10,000 years ago, most likely from the now-extinct Aurochs that inhabited Europe and Western Asia. Their weight can average between 600 lbs to 2500 lbs, depending on breed. They may or may not have horns, also depending on breed. A non-horned cow is said to be 'polled'. Their coats can come in a variety of colors, patterns, and hair type, as well as variations in musculature. Bulls (adult males) are generally larger than cows (adult females).


Cattle in the Book series are merely used as a descriptor for other creatures or characters.

In reality, cattle are an important animal for humans, providing meat, milk, hides and other items. Historically, many cultures equated cattle ownership with wealth. Cattle are even considered sacred by some cultures, primarily Hinduism. They are a major agricultural industry. Because cattle are so important, there is an enormous amount of them world-wide and they can cause environmental damage to grassland from overgrazing and their methane emissions are a major greenhouse gas.


How to Cheat a Dragon's Curse[]

Semi-Spotted Snowpeckers were jumping all around them like fleas on a cow's back ...
  — Book 4  

Cattle are mentioned in conjunction with fleas to convey the frenetic rapid movement of the Semi-Spotted Snowpecker, a fictitious bird species.

Fishlegs, in the throes of a berserker tantrum, is compared to an angry bull.

He tore off his helmet and he snorted like a bull about to charge.
  — Book 4  

How to Train Your Hogfly[]

Bulls are mentioned while describing Stoick the Vast.

He was magnificent at charging at the enemy while roaring like a bull with bellyache.
  How to Train Your Hogfly  

When Hellsbells stole a Throatgoggler egg, the mother dragon bellowed "like an infuriated bull".


  • Though real Vikings never wore horned helmets, the horns often seen on traditional Viking helmets are those of cattle.


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