How to Train Your Dragon Wiki
How to Train Your Dragon Wiki

Bulrushes are plants appearing minimally in the short story How to Train Your Hogfly.


The term 'Bulrush' refers to two types of wetland plants: sedges and cattails.

Sedges (family Cyperaceae) are herbaceous plants that grow on all continents except Antarctica. Their main features are carrot-like roots which are capable of extracting nutrients from poor soils.

Cattails (family Typhaceae) are flowering plants known for their very compact spikes on top of their stems that explode with seeds upon physical touch. They grow mainly in the Northern Hemisphere, though they have recently spread to Australia and New Zeeland.


There are no known usage for bulrushes in the book series.

In real life, cattails have various uses, from being eaten to being turned into fibers and paper.


How to Train Your Hogfly[]

Down in the Gorge of the Thunderbolt of Thor, Hellsbells flies chaotically between bulrushes.

'We're playing a game!' chirruped the Hogfly, zipping madly through the bulrushes.
  How to Train Your Hogfly  


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